XII. Qt Libraries
- Table of Contents
- 17. Libraries
- 17.1. Introduction
- 17.2. Interfaces for libQtCore
- 17.2.1. Qt4 Core Functions
- 17.2.2. Qt4 Models
- 17.2.3. Qt4 Internationalization
- 17.2.4. Qt4 Containers
- 17.2.5. Qt4 Events
- 17.2.6. Qt4 Arrays
- 17.2.7. Qt4 Plugins
- 17.2.8. Qt4 Date and Time
- 17.2.9. Qt4 Miscellaneous
- 17.2.10. Qt4 Text
- 17.2.11. Qt4 Input/Output
- 17.2.12. Qt4 Core Application
- 17.2.13. Qt4 Object Model
- 17.2.14. Qt4 Threading
- 17.2.15. Qt4 2D Graphics
- 17.2.16. Qt4 Internals
- 17.3. Data Definitions for libQtCore
- 17.3.1. QtCore/qabstracteventdispatcher.h
- 17.3.2. QtCore/qabstractfileengine.h
- 17.3.3. QtCore/qabstractitemmodel.h
- 17.3.4. QtCore/qatomic.h
- 17.3.5. QtCore/qbasictimer.h
- 17.3.6. QtCore/qbitarray.h
- 17.3.7. QtCore/qbuffer.h
- 17.3.8. QtCore/qbytearray.h
- 17.3.9. QtCore/qbytearraymatcher.h
- 17.3.10. QtCore/qchar.h
- 17.3.11. QtCore/qcoreapplication.h
- 17.3.12. QtCore/qcoreevent.h
- 17.3.13. QtCore/qdatastream.h
- 17.3.14. QtCore/qdatetime.h
- 17.3.15. QtCore/qdebug.h
- 17.3.16. QtCore/qdir.h
- 17.3.17. QtCore/qeventloop.h
- 17.3.18. QtCore/qfactoryinterface.h
- 17.3.19. QtCore/qfile.h
- 17.3.20. QtCore/qfileinfo.h
- 17.3.21. QtCore/qfsfileengine.h
- 17.3.22. QtCore/qglobal.h
- 17.3.23. QtCore/qhash.h
- 17.3.24. QtCore/qiodevice.h
- 17.3.25. QtCore/qlibrary.h
- 17.3.26. QtCore/qlibraryinfo.h
- 17.3.27. QtCore/qline.h
- 17.3.28. QtCore/qlinkedlist.h
- 17.3.29. QtCore/qlist.h
- 17.3.30. QtCore/qlocale.h
- 17.3.31. QtCore/qmap.h
- 17.3.32. QtCore/qmetaobject.h
- 17.3.33. QtCore/qmetatype.h
- 17.3.34. QtCore/qmimedata.h
- 17.3.35. QtCore/qmutex.h
- 17.3.36. QtCore/qnamespace.h
- 17.3.37. QtCore/qobject.h
- 17.3.38. QtCore/qobjectcleanuphandler.h
- 17.3.39. QtCore/qobjectdefs.h
- 17.3.40. QtCore/qpair.h
- 17.3.41. QtCore/qplugin.h
- 17.3.42. QtCore/qpluginloader.h
- 17.3.43. QtCore/qpoint.h
- 17.3.44. QtCore/qprocess.h
- 17.3.45. QtCore/qreadwritelock.h
- 17.3.46. QtCore/qrect.h
- 17.3.47. QtCore/qregexp.h
- 17.3.48. QtCore/qsemaphore.h
- 17.3.49. QtCore/qsettings.h
- 17.3.50. QtCore/qshareddata.h
- 17.3.51. QtCore/qsignalmapper.h
- 17.3.52. QtCore/qsize.h
- 17.3.53. QtCore/qsocketnotifier.h
- 17.3.54. QtCore/qstring.h
- 17.3.55. QtCore/qstringlist.h
- 17.3.56. QtCore/qstringmatcher.h
- 17.3.57. QtCore/qtemporaryfile.h
- 17.3.58. QtCore/qtextcodec.h
- 17.3.59. QtCore/qtextcodecplugin.h
- 17.3.60. QtCore/qtextstream.h
- 17.3.61. QtCore/qthread.h
- 17.3.62. QtCore/qthreadstorage.h
- 17.3.63. QtCore/qtimer.h
- 17.3.64. QtCore/qtranslator.h
- 17.3.65. QtCore/qurl.h
- 17.3.66. QtCore/quuid.h
- 17.3.67. QtCore/qvariant.h
- 17.3.68. QtCore/qvector.h
- 17.3.69. QtCore/qwaitcondition.h
- 17.4. Interface Definitions for libQtCore
- _Z5qFreePv -- free the memory space
- _Z7qgetenvPKc -- get value of an environment variable
- _ZN11QMetaObject7connectEPK7QObjectiS2_iiPi -- connect signals
- _ZN16QCoreApplication10unixSignalEi -- emit a signal whenever a Unix signal is received
- _ZN4QDir21nameFiltersFromStringERK7QString -- retrieve a list of name filters from the given
- _ZN7QString4freeEPNS_4DataE -- free the memory space
- _ZN9QHashData12allocateNodeEv -- allocate memory for the node
- _ZN9QHashData8freeNodeEPv -- free the memory occupied by the node
- _ZN9QMetaType12registerTypeEPKcPFvPvEPFS2_PKvE -- register a user type for marshalling
- _ZNK11QMetaObject4castEP7QObject -- check if an object inherits from the meta-object
- _ZNK13QMetaProperty12hasStdCppSetEv -- check if a property follows "name" / "ssetName" pattern
- _ZNK21QPersistentModelIndex10internalIdEv -- get the id used to associate the index with the internal data structure
- _ZNK21QPersistentModelIndex15internalPointerEv -- get the pointer used to associate the index with the internal data structure
- _ZNK4QUrlltERKS_ -- compare URLs
- _ZNK5QFile10fileEngineEv -- get the QIOEngine for this QFile object
- QUuid::operator > -- UUID greater-than comparison operator
- QUuid::operator < -- UUID less-than comparison operator
- _ZNK7QObject9queryListEPKcS1_bb -- searche the children and optionally grandchildren of the object
- 17.5. Interfaces for libQtGui
- 17.5.1. Qt4 GUI Functions
- 17.5.2. Qt4 Organizers
- 17.5.3. Qt4 Events
- 17.5.4. Qt4 Fonts
- 17.5.5. Qt4 Colors
- 17.5.6. Qt4 Accessibility
- 17.5.7. Qt4 Validators
- 17.5.8. Qt4 Plugins
- 17.5.9. Qt4 Models and Views
- 17.5.10. Qt4 Dialogs
- 17.5.11. Qt4 Date and Time
- 17.5.12. Qt4 Miscellaneous
- 17.5.13. Qt4 Paint Device
- 17.5.14. Qt4 Multimedia
- 17.5.15. Qt4 Layouts
- 17.5.16. Qt4 Style
- 17.5.17. Qt4 Text
- 17.5.18. Qt4 Main Window and Application
- 17.5.19. Qt4 Menus
- 17.5.20. Qt4 Widgets
- 17.5.21. Qt4 Drag and Drop
- 17.5.22. Qt4 2D Graphics
- 17.6. Data Definitions for libQtGui
- 17.6.1. QtGui/qabstractbutton.h
- 17.6.2. QtGui/qabstractitemdelegate.h
- 17.6.3. QtGui/qabstractitemview.h
- 17.6.4. QtGui/qabstractpagesetupdialog.h
- 17.6.5. QtGui/qabstractprintdialog.h
- 17.6.6. QtGui/qabstractproxymodel.h
- 17.6.7. QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h
- 17.6.8. QtGui/qabstractslider.h
- 17.6.9. QtGui/qabstractspinbox.h
- 17.6.10. QtGui/qabstracttextdocumentlayout.h
- 17.6.11. QtGui/qaccessible.h
- 17.6.12. QtGui/qaccessiblebridge.h
- 17.6.13. QtGui/qaccessibleobject.h
- 17.6.14. QtGui/qaccessibleplugin.h
- 17.6.15. QtGui/qaccessiblewidget.h
- 17.6.16. QtGui/qaction.h
- 17.6.17. QtGui/qactiongroup.h
- 17.6.18. QtGui/qapplication.h
- 17.6.19. QtGui/qbitmap.h
- 17.6.20. QtGui/qboxlayout.h
- 17.6.21. QtGui/qbrush.h
- 17.6.22. QtGui/qbuttongroup.h
- 17.6.23. QtGui/qcdestyle.h
- 17.6.24. QtGui/qcheckbox.h
- 17.6.25. QtGui/qclipboard.h
- 17.6.26. QtGui/qcolor.h
- 17.6.27. QtGui/qcolordialog.h
- 17.6.28. QtGui/qcolormap.h
- 17.6.29. QtGui/qcombobox.h
- 17.6.30. QtGui/qcommonstyle.h
- 17.6.31. QtGui/qcursor.h
- 17.6.32. QtGui/qdatetimeedit.h
- 17.6.33. QtGui/qdesktopwidget.h
- 17.6.34. QtGui/qdial.h
- 17.6.35. QtGui/qdialog.h
- 17.6.36. QtGui/qdirmodel.h
- 17.6.37. QtGui/qdockwidget.h
- 17.6.38. QtGui/qdrag.h
- 17.6.39. QtGui/qerrormessage.h
- 17.6.40. QtGui/qevent.h
- 17.6.41. QtGui/qfiledialog.h
- 17.6.42. QtGui/qfocusframe.h
- 17.6.43. QtGui/qfont.h
- 17.6.44. QtGui/qfontdatabase.h
- 17.6.45. QtGui/qfontdialog.h
- 17.6.46. QtGui/qfontinfo.h
- 17.6.47. QtGui/qfontmetrics.h
- 17.6.48. QtGui/qframe.h
- 17.6.49. QtGui/qgridlayout.h
- 17.6.50. QtGui/qgroupbox.h
- 17.6.51. QtGui/qheaderview.h
- 17.6.52. QtGui/qicon.h
- 17.6.53. QtGui/qiconengine.h
- 17.6.54. QtGui/qiconengineplugin.h
- 17.6.55. QtGui/qimage.h
- 17.6.56. QtGui/qimageiohandler.h
- 17.6.57. QtGui/qimagereader.h
- 17.6.58. QtGui/qimagewriter.h
- 17.6.59. QtGui/qinputcontext.h
- 17.6.60. QtGui/qinputcontextfactory.h
- 17.6.61. QtGui/qinputcontextplugin.h
- 17.6.62. QtGui/qinputdialog.h
- 17.6.63. QtGui/qitemdelegate.h
- 17.6.64. QtGui/qitemeditorfactory.h
- 17.6.65. QtGui/qitemselectionmodel.h
- 17.6.66. QtGui/qkeysequence.h
- 17.6.67. QtGui/qlabel.h
- 17.6.68. QtGui/qlayout.h
- 17.6.69. QtGui/qlayoutitem.h
- 17.6.70. QtGui/qlcdnumber.h
- 17.6.71. QtGui/qlineedit.h
- 17.6.72. QtGui/qlistview.h
- 17.6.73. QtGui/qlistwidget.h
- 17.6.74. QtGui/qmainwindow.h
- 17.6.75. QtGui/qmatrix.h
- 17.6.76. QtGui/qmenu.h
- 17.6.77. QtGui/qmenubar.h
- 17.6.78. QtGui/qmenudata.h
- 17.6.79. QtGui/qmessagebox.h
- 17.6.80. QtGui/qmime.h
- 17.6.81. QtGui/qmotifstyle.h
- 17.6.82. QtGui/qmovie.h
- 17.6.83. QtGui/qpagesetupdialog.h
- 17.6.84. QtGui/qpaintdevice.h
- 17.6.85. QtGui/qpaintengine.h
- 17.6.86. QtGui/qpainter.h
- 17.6.87. QtGui/qpainterpath.h
- 17.6.88. QtGui/qpalette.h
- 17.6.89. QtGui/qpen.h
- 17.6.90. QtGui/qpicture.h
- 17.6.91. QtGui/qpictureformatplugin.h
- 17.6.92. QtGui/qpixmap.h
- 17.6.93. QtGui/qpixmapcache.h
- 17.6.94. QtGui/qplastiquestyle.h
- 17.6.95. QtGui/qpolygon.h
- 17.6.96. QtGui/qprintdialog.h
- 17.6.97. QtGui/qprintengine.h
- 17.6.98. QtGui/qprinter.h
- 17.6.99. QtGui/qprogressbar.h
- 17.6.100. QtGui/qprogressdialog.h
- 17.6.101. QtGui/qproxymodel.h
- 17.6.102. QtGui/qpushbutton.h
- 17.6.103. QtGui/qradiobutton.h
- 17.6.104. QtGui/qregion.h
- 17.6.105. QtGui/qrgb.h
- 17.6.106. QtGui/qrubberband.h
- 17.6.107. QtGui/qscrollarea.h
- 17.6.108. QtGui/qscrollbar.h
- 17.6.109. QtGui/qsessionmanager.h
- 17.6.110. QtGui/qshortcut.h
- 17.6.111. QtGui/qsizegrip.h
- 17.6.112. QtGui/qsizepolicy.h
- 17.6.113. QtGui/qslider.h
- 17.6.114. QtGui/qsortfilterproxymodel.h
- 17.6.115. QtGui/qsound.h
- 17.6.116. QtGui/qspinbox.h
- 17.6.117. QtGui/qsplashscreen.h
- 17.6.118. QtGui/qsplitter.h
- 17.6.119. QtGui/qstackedlayout.h
- 17.6.120. QtGui/qstackedwidget.h
- 17.6.121. QtGui/qstandarditemmodel.h
- 17.6.122. QtGui/qstatusbar.h
- 17.6.123. QtGui/qstringlistmodel.h
- 17.6.124. QtGui/qstyle.h
- 17.6.125. QtGui/qstylefactory.h
- 17.6.126. QtGui/qstyleoption.h
- 17.6.127. QtGui/qstylepainter.h
- 17.6.128. QtGui/qstyleplugin.h
- 17.6.129. QtGui/qsyntaxhighlighter.h
- 17.6.130. QtGui/qtabbar.h
- 17.6.131. QtGui/qtableview.h
- 17.6.132. QtGui/qtablewidget.h
- 17.6.133. QtGui/qtabwidget.h
- 17.6.134. QtGui/qtextbrowser.h
- 17.6.135. QtGui/qtextcursor.h
- 17.6.136. QtGui/qtextdocument.h
- 17.6.137. QtGui/qtextdocumentfragment.h
- 17.6.138. QtGui/qtextedit.h
- 17.6.139. QtGui/qtextformat.h
- 17.6.140. QtGui/qtextlayout.h
- 17.6.141. QtGui/qtextlist.h
- 17.6.142. QtGui/qtextobject.h
- 17.6.143. QtGui/qtextoption.h
- 17.6.144. QtGui/qtexttable.h
- 17.6.145. QtGui/qtoolbar.h
- 17.6.146. QtGui/qtoolbox.h
- 17.6.147. QtGui/qtoolbutton.h
- 17.6.148. QtGui/qtooltip.h
- 17.6.149. QtGui/qtreeview.h
- 17.6.150. QtGui/qtreewidget.h
- 17.6.151. QtGui/qtreewidgetitemiterator.h
- 17.6.152. QtGui/qvalidator.h
- 17.6.153. QtGui/qvfbhdr.h
- 17.6.154. QtGui/qwhatsthis.h
- 17.6.155. QtGui/qwidget.h
- 17.6.156. QtGui/qwindowdefs.h
- 17.6.157. QtGui/qwindowsstyle.h
- 17.6.158. QtGui/qwmatrix.h
- 17.6.159. QtGui/qworkspace.h
- 17.7. Interface Definitions for libQtGui
- _ZN11QGridLayout21setDefaultPositioningEiN2Qt11OrientationE -- set the positioning mode
- _ZN11QHeaderView13updateSectionEi -- update HeaderView section
- _ZN12QPaintEngine13setSystemClipERK7QRegion -- set the system clip for the engine
- _ZN12QPaintEngine13setSystemRectERK5QRect -- set the target rect for drawing within the backing store
- _ZN12QPaintEngine14setPaintDeviceEP12QPaintDevice -- set the paintdevice that the engine operates on
- QPixmapCache::cacheLimit -- UUID greater-than comparison operator
- _ZN13QGraphicsItem10addToIndexEv -- add the item from the scene's index
- _ZN13QGraphicsItem12setExtensionENS_9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN13QGraphicsItem15removeFromIndexEv -- remove the item from the scene's index
- _ZN13QInputContext14setFocusWidgetEP7QWidget -- set the input focus for the current context
- _ZN13QTextDocument14appendUndoItemEP17QAbstractUndoItem -- append an item to the undo stack
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView13doItemsLayoutEv -- lay out the items in the view
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView16updateEditorDataEv -- update the data shown in the open editor widgets in the view
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView22updateEditorGeometriesEv -- update geometry of open editor widgets in the view
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView23verticalScrollbarActionEi -- dummy hook
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView25horizontalScrollbarActionEi -- dummy hook
- _ZN17QGraphicsLineItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN17QGraphicsPathItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN17QGraphicsRectItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN17QGraphicsTextItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN18QDragResponseEventC1Eb, _ZN18QDragResponseEventC2Eb -- QDragResponseEvent constructor
- _ZN19QGraphicsPixmapItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN19QGraphicsSceneEvent9setWidgetEP7QWidget -- Sets the widget related to the event
- _ZN19QGraphicsSceneEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN19QGraphicsSceneEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneEvent constructor
- _ZN19QToolBarChangeEventC1Eb, _ZN19QToolBarChangeEventC2Eb -- QToolBarChangeEvent constructor
- _ZN20QGraphicsEllipseItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN20QGraphicsPolygonItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent constructor
- _ZN23QGraphicsSimpleTextItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN24QAbstractPageSetupDialog7printerEv -- get the printer that this page setup dialog is operating on
- _ZN24QAbstractPageSetupDialogC1EP8QPrinterP7QWidget, _ZN24QAbstractPageSetupDialogC2EP8QPrinterP7QWidget -- QAbstractPageSetupDialog constructor
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent constructor
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent10setButtonsE6QFlagsIN2Qt11MouseButtonEE -- set the mouse buttons that were pressed when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent10setLastPosERK7QPointF -- set the last recorded mouse cursor position in item coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were active when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent15setLastScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the last recorded mouse cursor position in scene coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent16setButtonDownPosEN2Qt11MouseButtonERK7QPointF -- set the mouse position where the specified button was clicked in item coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent16setLastScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the last recorded mouse cursor position in screen coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent21setButtonDownScenePosEN2Qt11MouseButtonERK7QPointF -- set the mouse position where the specified button was clicked in scene coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent22setButtonDownScreenPosEN2Qt11MouseButtonERK6QPoint -- set the mouse position where the specified button was clicked in screen coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent9setButtonEN2Qt11MouseButtonE -- set the mouse button associated with event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent constructor
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent10setButtonsE6QFlagsIN2Qt11MouseButtonEE -- set the mouse buttons that were pressed when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were active when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent8setDeltaEi -- set the distance that the wheel is rotated
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent constructor
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent10setButtonsE6QFlagsIN2Qt11MouseButtonEE -- set the mouse buttons that were pressed when the event was created
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent11setMimeDataEPK9QMimeData -- set the MIME data for the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were active when the event was created
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent17setProposedActionEN2Qt10DropActionE -- set the proposed action for the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent18setPossibleActionsE6QFlagsIN2Qt10DropActionEE -- set the possible drop actions that the drag can result in
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent9setSourceEP7QWidget -- set the source widget for the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent constructor
- _ZN2Qt12codecForHtmlERK10QByteArray -- detect encoding of the provided snippet of html
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were activa when the event was created
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent9setReasonENS_6ReasonE -- set the reason for the context menu event
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent constructor
- _ZN5QFont7cleanupEv -- cleanup the font system
- _ZN6QColor10invalidateEv -- mark the color as invalid
- _ZN7QLayout11widgetEventEP6QEvent -- perform child widget layout when the parent widget is resized
- _ZN7QPixmap19x11SetDefaultScreenEi -- sets the default screen of the QPixmap object
- _ZN7QWidget11createWinIdEv -- ensure that the widget is known to the windowing system
- _ZN7QWidget19overrideWindowStateE6QFlagsIN2Qt11WindowStateEE -- set the window state on child widgets
- _ZN8QMenuBar15setCornerWidgetEP7QWidgetN2Qt6CornerE -- set the position of the widget
- _ZN9QListView13doItemsLayoutEv -- layout items
- _ZN9QListView14resizeContentsEii -- resize the internal contents of the view
- _ZNK11QProxyModel13setProxyModelERK11QModelIndex -- change the model pointer to point to the proxy model
- _ZNK11QProxyModel14connectToModelEPK18QAbstractItemModel -- connect to all the signals emitted by the model
- _ZNK11QProxyModel14setSourceModelERK11QModelIndex -- INSERT PURPOSE HERE
- _ZNK11QProxyModel19disconnectFromModelEPK18QAbstractItemModel -- disconnect from all signals emitted by the model
- _ZNK12QPaintEngine10systemClipEv -- get the system clip
- _ZNK12QPaintEngine10systemRectEv -- retrieve the rect for drawing within the backing store
- _ZNK12QPaintEngine16coordinateOffsetEv -- get the offset from the painters origo to the engines origo
- _ZNK13QGraphicsItem17supportsExtensionENS_9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK13QGraphicsItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- auxiliary virtual function
- _ZNK13QInputContext11focusWidgetEv -- get the widget that has an input focus for this input context
- _ZNK13QItemDelegate10decorationERK20QStyleOptionViewItemRK8QVariant -- get the pixmap used to decorate the root of the item view
- _ZNK13QItemDelegate8selectedERK7QPixmapRK8QPaletteb -- get the selected version of the given pixmap using the given palette
- _ZNK13QTextDocument7frameAtEi -- get the frame that contains the given cursor position
- _ZNK14QTextTableCell12lastPositionEv -- get the last position in the cell's document
- _ZNK14QTextTableCell13firstPositionEv -- get the first position in the cell's document
- _ZNK17QGraphicsLineItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsLineItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsPathItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsPathItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsRectItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsRectItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsTextItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsTextItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK19QGraphicsPixmapItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK19QGraphicsPixmapItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsEllipseItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsEllipseItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsPolygonItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsPolygonItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK23QGraphicsSimpleTextItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK23QGraphicsSimpleTextItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK6QImage7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QImage
- _ZNK7QLayout13totalSizeHintEv -- get the preferred size for the layout
- _ZNK7QLayout16totalMaximumSizeEv -- get the maximum size of the layout
- _ZNK7QLayout16totalMinimumSizeEv -- get the minimum size of the layout
- _ZNK7QLayout19totalHeightForWidthEi -- get the preferred height for the layout
- _ZNK7QPixmap7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QPixmap
- _ZNK7QWidget7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QWidget
- _ZNK8QMenuBar12cornerWidgetEN2Qt6CornerE -- get the widget in the left of the first or the right of the last menu
- _ZNK8QMenuBar14actionGeometryEP7QAction -- get geometry of an action
- _ZNK8QMenuBar8actionAtERK6QPoint -- get the item at the given point
- _ZNK8QPainter3mapEiiPiS0_ -- apply the painter's transformation on the given point
- _ZNK8QPicture7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QPicture
- _ZNK8QPrinter7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QPrinter
- _ZNK8QToolBar14actionGeometryEP7QAction -- get geometry of the toolbar item associated with the given action
- _ZNK9QFontInfo8overlineEv -- get the overline value of the matched window system font
- _ZNK9QFontInfo9strikeOutEv -- get the underline value of the matched window system font
- _ZNK9QFontInfo9underlineEv -- get the underline value of the matched window system font
- 17.8. Interfaces for libQtXml
- 17.8.1. Qt4 XML
- 17.9. Data Definitions for libQtXml
- 17.9.1. QtXml/qdom.h
- 17.9.2. QtXml/qxml.h
- 17.10. Interfaces for libQtOpenGL
- 17.10.1. Qt4 OpenGL
- 17.11. Data Definitions for libQtOpenGL
- 17.11.1. QtOpenGL/qgl.h
- 17.11.2. QtOpenGL/qglcolormap.h
- 17.11.3. QtOpenGL/qglpixelbuffer.h
- 17.12. Interface Definitions for libQtOpenGL
- _ZN10QGLContext8setValidEb -- set validity of the GL rendering context
- 17.13. Interfaces for libQtSql
- 17.13.1. Qt4 SQL
- 17.14. Data Definitions for libQtSql
- 17.14.1. QtSql/qsql.h
- 17.14.2. QtSql/qsqldatabase.h
- 17.14.3. QtSql/qsqldriver.h
- 17.14.4. QtSql/qsqldriverplugin.h
- 17.14.5. QtSql/qsqlerror.h
- 17.14.6. QtSql/qsqlfield.h
- 17.14.7. QtSql/qsqlindex.h
- 17.14.8. QtSql/qsqlquery.h
- 17.14.9. QtSql/qsqlquerymodel.h
- 17.14.10. QtSql/qsqlrecord.h
- 17.14.11. QtSql/qsqlrelationaltablemodel.h
- 17.14.12. QtSql/qsqlresult.h
- 17.14.13. QtSql/qsqltablemodel.h
- 17.15. Interface Definitions for libQtSql
- _ZN10QSqlResult9execBatchEb -- executes a prepared query in batch mode
- _ZNK9QSqlField6typeIDEv -- get the type identifier for the field
- 17.16. Interfaces for libQtSvg
- 17.16.1. Qt4 Svg
- 17.17. Data Definitions for libQtSvg
- 17.17.1. QtSvg/qsvgrenderer.h
- 17.17.2. QtSvg/qsvgwidget.h
- 17.18. Interfaces for libQtNetwork
- 17.18.1. Qt4 Network
- 17.19. Data Definitions for libQtNetwork
- 17.19.1. QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h
- 17.19.2. QtNetwork/qftp.h
- 17.19.3. QtNetwork/qhostaddress.h
- 17.19.4. QtNetwork/qhostinfo.h
- 17.19.5. QtNetwork/qhttp.h
- 17.19.6. QtNetwork/qnetworkproxy.h
- 17.19.7. QtNetwork/qtcpserver.h
- 17.19.8. QtNetwork/qtcpsocket.h
- 17.19.9. QtNetwork/qudpsocket.h
- 17.19.10. QtNetwork/qurlinfo.h
- 17.20. Interface Definitions for libQtNetwork
- _ZN11QHttpHeader5parseERK7QString -- parse the HTTP header string
- _ZN11QHttpHeader9parseLineERK7QStringi -- parse the HTTP header line