Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification 4.1 | ||
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Table 6-20 defines the library name and shared object name for the libXi library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[XINPUT] X11 Input Library |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for XInput specified in Table 6-21, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 6-21. libXi - XInput Function Interfaces
XAllowDeviceEvents [XINPUT] | XChangeDeviceControl [XINPUT] | XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList [XINPUT] | XChangeDeviceKeyMapping [XINPUT] |
XChangeFeedbackControl [XINPUT] | XChangeKeyboardDevice [XINPUT] | XChangePointerDevice [XINPUT] | XCloseDevice [XINPUT] |
XDeviceBell [XINPUT] | XFreeDeviceControl [XINPUT] | XFreeDeviceList [XINPUT] | XFreeDeviceMotionEvents [XINPUT] |
XFreeDeviceState [XINPUT] | XFreeFeedbackList [XINPUT] | XGetDeviceButtonMapping [XINPUT] | XGetDeviceControl [XINPUT] |
XGetDeviceDontPropagateList [XINPUT] | XGetDeviceFocus [XINPUT] | XGetDeviceKeyMapping [XINPUT] | XGetDeviceModifierMapping [XINPUT] |
XGetDeviceMotionEvents [XINPUT] | XGetExtensionVersion [XINPUT] | XGetFeedbackControl [XINPUT] | XGetSelectedExtensionEvents [XINPUT] |
XGrabDevice [XINPUT] | XGrabDeviceButton [XINPUT] | XGrabDeviceKey [XINPUT] | XListInputDevices [XINPUT] |
XOpenDevice [XINPUT] | XQueryDeviceState [XINPUT] | XSelectExtensionEvent [XINPUT] | XSendExtensionEvent [XINPUT] |
XSetDeviceButtonMapping [XINPUT] | XSetDeviceFocus [XINPUT] | XSetDeviceMode [XINPUT] | XSetDeviceModifierMapping [XINPUT] |
XSetDeviceValuators [XINPUT] | XUngrabDevice [XINPUT] | XUngrabDeviceButton [XINPUT] | XUngrabDeviceKey [XINPUT] |
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