Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification 4.1 | ||
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Table 6-11 defines the library name and shared object name for the libXext library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[LSB] This Specification |
[X-dbe] Double Buffer Extension Library |
[X-DPMS] X Display Power Management Signaling |
[X-evi] X Extended Visual Interface Extension |
[X-security] X Security Extension Specification |
[X-shape] X Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension Library |
[X-shm] The MIT Shared Memory Extension |
[X-sync] X Synchronization Extension Library |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for libXext interfaces specified in Table 6-12, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Shape Extension specified in Table 6-13, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 6-13. libXext - X Shape Extension Function Interfaces
XShapeCombineMask [X-shape] | XShapeCombineRectangles [X-shape] | XShapeCombineRegion [X-shape] | XShapeCombineShape [X-shape] |
XShapeGetRectangles [X-shape] | XShapeInputSelected [X-shape] | XShapeOffsetShape [X-shape] | XShapeQueryExtension [X-shape] |
XShapeQueryExtents [X-shape] | XShapeQueryVersion [X-shape] | XShapeSelectInput [X-shape] |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Display Power Management Signaling Extension specified in Table 6-14, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Shared Memory Extensions specified in Table 6-15, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Synchronization Extension specified in Table 6-16, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 6-16. libXext - X Synchronization Extension Function Interfaces
XSyncAwait [X-sync] | XSyncChangeAlarm [X-sync] | XSyncChangeCounter [X-sync] | XSyncCreateAlarm [X-sync] |
XSyncCreateCounter [X-sync] | XSyncDestroyAlarm [X-sync] | XSyncDestroyCounter [X-sync] | XSyncFreeSystemCounterList [X-sync] |
XSyncGetPriority [X-sync] | XSyncInitialize [X-sync] | XSyncIntToValue [X-sync] | XSyncIntsToValue [X-sync] |
XSyncListSystemCounters [X-sync] | XSyncMaxValue [X-sync] | XSyncMinValue [X-sync] | XSyncQueryAlarm [X-sync] |
XSyncQueryCounter [X-sync] | XSyncQueryExtension [X-sync] | XSyncSetCounter [X-sync] | XSyncSetPriority [X-sync] |
XSyncValueAdd [X-sync] | XSyncValueEqual [X-sync] | XSyncValueGreaterOrEqual [X-sync] | XSyncValueGreaterThan [X-sync] |
XSyncValueHigh32 [X-sync] | XSyncValueIsNegative [X-sync] | XSyncValueIsPositive [X-sync] | XSyncValueIsZero [X-sync] |
XSyncValueLessOrEqual [X-sync] | XSyncValueLessThan [X-sync] | XSyncValueLow32 [X-sync] | XSyncValueSubtract [X-sync] |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Security Extension specified in Table 6-17, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 6-17. libXext - X Security Extension Function Interfaces
XSecurityAllocXauth [X-security] | XSecurityFreeXauth [X-security] | XSecurityGenerateAuthorization [X-security] | XSecurityQueryExtension [X-security] |
XSecurityRevokeAuthorization [X-security] |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Double Buffer Extension specified in Table 6-18, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 6-18. libXext - X Double Buffer Extension Function Interfaces
XdbeAllocateBackBufferName [X-dbe] | XdbeBeginIdiom [X-dbe] | XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName [X-dbe] | XdbeEndIdiom [X-dbe] |
XdbeFreeVisualInfo [X-dbe] | XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes [X-dbe] | XdbeGetVisualInfo [X-dbe] | XdbeQueryExtension [X-dbe] |
XdbeSwapBuffers [X-dbe] |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Extended Visual Interface Extension specified in Table 6-19, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
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