Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification 4.1 | ||
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Table 6-3 defines the library name and shared object name for the libSM library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[XSM] X11 Session Management |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Session Management Functions specified in Table 6-4, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 6-4. libSM - Session Management Functions Function Interfaces
SmFreeProperty [XSM] | SmFreeReasons [XSM] | SmcClientID [XSM] | SmcCloseConnection [XSM] |
SmcDeleteProperties [XSM] | SmcGetIceConnection [XSM] | SmcGetProperties [XSM] | SmcInteractDone [XSM] |
SmcInteractRequest [XSM] | SmcModifyCallbacks [XSM] | SmcOpenConnection [XSM] | SmcProtocolRevision [XSM] |
SmcProtocolVersion [XSM] | SmcRelease [XSM] | SmcRequestSaveYourself [XSM] | SmcRequestSaveYourselfPhase2 [XSM] |
SmcSaveYourselfDone [XSM] | SmcSetErrorHandler [XSM] | SmcSetProperties [XSM] | SmcVendor [XSM] |
SmsCleanUp [XSM] | SmsClientHostName [XSM] | SmsClientID [XSM] | SmsDie [XSM] |
SmsGenerateClientID [XSM] | SmsGetIceConnection [XSM] | SmsInitialize [XSM] | SmsInteract [XSM] |
SmsProtocolRevision [XSM] | SmsProtocolVersion [XSM] | SmsRegisterClientReply [XSM] | SmsReturnProperties [XSM] |
SmsSaveComplete [XSM] | SmsSaveYourself [XSM] | SmsSaveYourselfPhase2 [XSM] | SmsSetErrorHandler [XSM] |
SmsShutdownCancelled [XSM] |
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