- Table of Contents
- _ZN11QGridLayout21setDefaultPositioningEiN2Qt11OrientationE -- set the positioning mode
- _ZN11QHeaderView13updateSectionEi -- update HeaderView section
- _ZN12QPaintEngine13setSystemClipERK7QRegion -- set the system clip for the engine
- _ZN12QPaintEngine13setSystemRectERK5QRect -- set the target rect for drawing within the backing store
- _ZN12QPaintEngine14setPaintDeviceEP12QPaintDevice -- set the paintdevice that the engine operates on
- QPixmapCache::cacheLimit -- UUID greater-than comparison operator
- _ZN13QGraphicsItem10addToIndexEv -- add the item from the scene's index
- _ZN13QGraphicsItem12setExtensionENS_9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN13QGraphicsItem15removeFromIndexEv -- remove the item from the scene's index
- _ZN13QInputContext14setFocusWidgetEP7QWidget -- set the input focus for the current context
- _ZN13QTextDocument14appendUndoItemEP17QAbstractUndoItem -- append an item to the undo stack
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView13doItemsLayoutEv -- lay out the items in the view
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView16updateEditorDataEv -- update the data shown in the open editor widgets in the view
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView22updateEditorGeometriesEv -- update geometry of open editor widgets in the view
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView23verticalScrollbarActionEi -- dummy hook
- _ZN17QAbstractItemView25horizontalScrollbarActionEi -- dummy hook
- _ZN17QGraphicsLineItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN17QGraphicsPathItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN17QGraphicsRectItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN17QGraphicsTextItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN18QDragResponseEventC1Eb, _ZN18QDragResponseEventC2Eb -- QDragResponseEvent constructor
- _ZN19QGraphicsPixmapItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN19QGraphicsSceneEvent9setWidgetEP7QWidget -- Sets the widget related to the event
- _ZN19QGraphicsSceneEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN19QGraphicsSceneEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneEvent constructor
- _ZN19QToolBarChangeEventC1Eb, _ZN19QToolBarChangeEventC2Eb -- QToolBarChangeEvent constructor
- _ZN20QGraphicsEllipseItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN20QGraphicsPolygonItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN23QGraphicsSceneHelpEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent constructor
- _ZN23QGraphicsSimpleTextItem12setExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionERK8QVariant -- set extension for the item
- _ZN24QAbstractPageSetupDialog7printerEv -- get the printer that this page setup dialog is operating on
- _ZN24QAbstractPageSetupDialogC1EP8QPrinterP7QWidget, _ZN24QAbstractPageSetupDialogC2EP8QPrinterP7QWidget -- QAbstractPageSetupDialog constructor
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN24QGraphicsSceneHoverEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent constructor
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent10setButtonsE6QFlagsIN2Qt11MouseButtonEE -- set the mouse buttons that were pressed when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent10setLastPosERK7QPointF -- set the last recorded mouse cursor position in item coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were active when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent15setLastScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the last recorded mouse cursor position in scene coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent16setButtonDownPosEN2Qt11MouseButtonERK7QPointF -- set the mouse position where the specified button was clicked in item coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent16setLastScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the last recorded mouse cursor position in screen coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent21setButtonDownScenePosEN2Qt11MouseButtonERK7QPointF -- set the mouse position where the specified button was clicked in scene coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent22setButtonDownScreenPosEN2Qt11MouseButtonERK6QPoint -- set the mouse position where the specified button was clicked in screen coordinates
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent9setButtonEN2Qt11MouseButtonE -- set the mouse button associated with event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN24QGraphicsSceneMouseEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent constructor
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent10setButtonsE6QFlagsIN2Qt11MouseButtonEE -- set the mouse buttons that were pressed when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were active when the event was created
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent8setDeltaEi -- set the distance that the wheel is rotated
- _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN24QGraphicsSceneWheelEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent constructor
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent10setButtonsE6QFlagsIN2Qt11MouseButtonEE -- set the mouse buttons that were pressed when the event was created
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent11setMimeDataEPK9QMimeData -- set the MIME data for the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were active when the event was created
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the screen
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent17setProposedActionEN2Qt10DropActionE -- set the proposed action for the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent18setPossibleActionsE6QFlagsIN2Qt10DropActionEE -- set the possible drop actions that the drag can result in
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent9setSourceEP7QWidget -- set the source widget for the event
- _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN27QGraphicsSceneDragDropEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent constructor
- _ZN2Qt12codecForHtmlERK10QByteArray -- detect encoding of the provided snippet of html
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent11setScenePosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent12setModifiersE6QFlagsIN2Qt16KeyboardModifierEE -- set the keyboard modifiers that were activa when the event was created
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent12setScreenPosERK6QPoint -- set the event mouse position relative to the scene
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent6setPosERK7QPointF -- set the event mouse position relative to the widget that generated the event
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent9setReasonENS_6ReasonE -- set the reason for the context menu event
- _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventC1EN6QEvent4TypeE, _ZN30QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventC2EN6QEvent4TypeE -- QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent constructor
- _ZN5QFont7cleanupEv -- cleanup the font system
- _ZN6QColor10invalidateEv -- mark the color as invalid
- _ZN7QLayout11widgetEventEP6QEvent -- perform child widget layout when the parent widget is resized
- _ZN7QPixmap19x11SetDefaultScreenEi -- sets the default screen of the QPixmap object
- _ZN7QWidget11createWinIdEv -- ensure that the widget is known to the windowing system
- _ZN7QWidget19overrideWindowStateE6QFlagsIN2Qt11WindowStateEE -- set the window state on child widgets
- _ZN8QMenuBar15setCornerWidgetEP7QWidgetN2Qt6CornerE -- set the position of the widget
- _ZN9QListView13doItemsLayoutEv -- layout items
- _ZN9QListView14resizeContentsEii -- resize the internal contents of the view
- _ZNK11QProxyModel13setProxyModelERK11QModelIndex -- change the model pointer to point to the proxy model
- _ZNK11QProxyModel14connectToModelEPK18QAbstractItemModel -- connect to all the signals emitted by the model
- _ZNK11QProxyModel14setSourceModelERK11QModelIndex -- INSERT PURPOSE HERE
- _ZNK11QProxyModel19disconnectFromModelEPK18QAbstractItemModel -- disconnect from all signals emitted by the model
- _ZNK12QPaintEngine10systemClipEv -- get the system clip
- _ZNK12QPaintEngine10systemRectEv -- retrieve the rect for drawing within the backing store
- _ZNK12QPaintEngine16coordinateOffsetEv -- get the offset from the painters origo to the engines origo
- _ZNK13QGraphicsItem17supportsExtensionENS_9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK13QGraphicsItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- auxiliary virtual function
- _ZNK13QInputContext11focusWidgetEv -- get the widget that has an input focus for this input context
- _ZNK13QItemDelegate10decorationERK20QStyleOptionViewItemRK8QVariant -- get the pixmap used to decorate the root of the item view
- _ZNK13QItemDelegate8selectedERK7QPixmapRK8QPaletteb -- get the selected version of the given pixmap using the given palette
- _ZNK13QTextDocument7frameAtEi -- get the frame that contains the given cursor position
- _ZNK14QTextTableCell12lastPositionEv -- get the last position in the cell's document
- _ZNK14QTextTableCell13firstPositionEv -- get the first position in the cell's document
- _ZNK17QGraphicsLineItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsLineItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsPathItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsPathItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsRectItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsRectItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsTextItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK17QGraphicsTextItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK19QGraphicsPixmapItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK19QGraphicsPixmapItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsEllipseItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsEllipseItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsPolygonItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK20QGraphicsPolygonItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK23QGraphicsSimpleTextItem17supportsExtensionEN13QGraphicsItem9ExtensionE -- check if the item supports the extension
- _ZNK23QGraphicsSimpleTextItem9extensionERK8QVariant -- get the item's extension
- _ZNK6QImage7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QImage
- _ZNK7QLayout13totalSizeHintEv -- get the preferred size for the layout
- _ZNK7QLayout16totalMaximumSizeEv -- get the maximum size of the layout
- _ZNK7QLayout16totalMinimumSizeEv -- get the minimum size of the layout
- _ZNK7QLayout19totalHeightForWidthEi -- get the preferred height for the layout
- _ZNK7QPixmap7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QPixmap
- _ZNK7QWidget7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QWidget
- _ZNK8QMenuBar12cornerWidgetEN2Qt6CornerE -- get the widget in the left of the first or the right of the last menu
- _ZNK8QMenuBar14actionGeometryEP7QAction -- get geometry of an action
- _ZNK8QMenuBar8actionAtERK6QPoint -- get the item at the given point
- _ZNK8QPainter3mapEiiPiS0_ -- apply the painter's transformation on the given point
- _ZNK8QPicture7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QPicture
- _ZNK8QPrinter7devTypeEv -- get identifier designating that the object is a QPrinter
- _ZNK8QToolBar14actionGeometryEP7QAction -- get geometry of the toolbar item associated with the given action
- _ZNK9QFontInfo8overlineEv -- get the overline value of the matched window system font
- _ZNK9QFontInfo9strikeOutEv -- get the underline value of the matched window system font
- _ZNK9QFontInfo9underlineEv -- get the underline value of the matched window system font
The interfaces defined on the following pages are included in libQtGui and are defined
by this specification.
Unless otherwise noted, these interfaces shall be included
in the source standard.
Other interfaces listed in Section 17.5 shall behave as described
in the referenced base document.