Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification 4.1 | ||
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Table 9-1 defines the library name and shared object name for the libjpeg library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[LSB] This Specification |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for JPEG Reference library specified in Table 9-2, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 9-2. libjpeg - JPEG Reference library Function Interfaces
jpeg_CreateCompress [LSB] | jpeg_CreateDecompress [LSB] | jpeg_abort [LSB] |
jpeg_abort_compress [LSB] | jpeg_abort_decompress [LSB] | jpeg_add_quant_table [LSB] |
jpeg_alloc_huff_table [LSB] | jpeg_alloc_quant_table [LSB] | jpeg_calc_output_dimensions [LSB] |
jpeg_consume_input [LSB] | jpeg_copy_critical_parameters [LSB] | jpeg_default_colorspace [LSB] |
jpeg_destroy [LSB] | jpeg_destroy_compress [LSB] | jpeg_destroy_decompress [LSB] |
jpeg_finish_compress [LSB] | jpeg_finish_decompress [LSB] | jpeg_finish_output [LSB] |
jpeg_has_multiple_scans [LSB] | jpeg_input_complete [LSB] | jpeg_new_colormap [LSB] |
jpeg_quality_scaling [LSB] | jpeg_read_coefficients [LSB] | jpeg_read_header [LSB] |
jpeg_read_raw_data [LSB] | jpeg_read_scanlines [LSB] | jpeg_resync_to_restart [LSB] |
jpeg_save_markers [LSB] | jpeg_set_colorspace [LSB] | jpeg_set_defaults [LSB] |
jpeg_set_linear_quality [LSB] | jpeg_set_marker_processor [LSB] | jpeg_set_quality [LSB] |
jpeg_simple_progression [LSB] | jpeg_start_compress [LSB] | jpeg_start_decompress [LSB] |
jpeg_start_output [LSB] | jpeg_std_error [LSB] | jpeg_stdio_dest [LSB] |
jpeg_stdio_src [LSB] | jpeg_suppress_tables [LSB] | jpeg_write_coefficients [LSB] |
jpeg_write_m_byte [LSB] | jpeg_write_m_header [LSB] | jpeg_write_marker [LSB] |
jpeg_write_raw_data [LSB] | jpeg_write_scanlines [LSB] | jpeg_write_tables [LSB] |
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