Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification 4.1 | ||
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Table 7-4 defines the library name and shared object name for the libGLU library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[GLU] OpenGL Utilities |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for GL Utilities specified in Table 7-5, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 7-5. libGLU - GL Utilities Function Interfaces
gluBeginCurve [GLU] | gluBeginPolygon [GLU] | gluBeginSurface [GLU] | gluBeginTrim [GLU] |
gluBuild1DMipmapLevels [GLU] | gluBuild1DMipmaps [GLU] | gluBuild2DMipmapLevels [GLU] | gluBuild2DMipmaps [GLU] |
gluBuild3DMipmapLevels [GLU] | gluBuild3DMipmaps [GLU] | gluCheckExtension [GLU] | gluCylinder [GLU] |
gluDeleteNurbsRenderer [GLU] | gluDeleteQuadric [GLU] | gluDeleteTess [GLU] | gluDisk [GLU] |
gluEndCurve [GLU] | gluEndPolygon [GLU] | gluEndSurface [GLU] | gluEndTrim [GLU] |
gluErrorString [GLU] | gluGetNurbsProperty [GLU] | gluGetString [GLU] | gluGetTessProperty [GLU] |
gluLoadSamplingMatrices [GLU] | gluLookAt [GLU] | gluNewNurbsRenderer [GLU] | gluNewQuadric [GLU] |
gluNewTess [GLU] | gluNextContour [GLU] | gluNurbsCallback [GLU] | gluNurbsCallbackData [GLU] |
gluNurbsCallbackDataEXT [GLU] | gluNurbsCurve [GLU] | gluNurbsProperty [GLU] | gluNurbsSurface [GLU] |
gluOrtho2D [GLU] | gluPartialDisk [GLU] | gluPerspective [GLU] | gluPickMatrix [GLU] |
gluProject [GLU] | gluPwlCurve [GLU] | gluQuadricCallback [GLU] | gluQuadricDrawStyle [GLU] |
gluQuadricNormals [GLU] | gluQuadricOrientation [GLU] | gluQuadricTexture [GLU] | gluScaleImage [GLU] |
gluSphere [GLU] | gluTessBeginContour [GLU] | gluTessBeginPolygon [GLU] | gluTessCallback [GLU] |
gluTessEndContour [GLU] | gluTessEndPolygon [GLU] | gluTessNormal [GLU] | gluTessProperty [GLU] |
gluTessVertex [GLU] | gluUnProject [GLU] | gluUnProject4 [GLU] |
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