64-bit PowerPC ELF Application Binary Interface Supplement 1.7

Ian Lance Taylor

Zembu Labs

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. How to Use the 64-bit PowerPC ELF ABI Supplement
2. Software Installation
2.1. Physical Distribution Media and Formats
3. Low Level System Information
3.1. Machine Interface
3.1.1. Processor Architecture
3.1.2. Data Representation
3.1.3. Byte Ordering
3.1.4. Fundamental Types
3.1.5. Extended Precision
3.1.6. Aggregates and Unions
3.1.7. Bit-fields
3.2. Function Calling Sequence
3.2.1. Registers
3.2.2. The Stack Frame
3.2.3. Parameter Passing
3.2.4. Return Values
3.2.5. Function Descriptors
3.3. Traceback Tables
3.3.1. Mandatory Fields
3.3.2. Optional Fields
3.4. Process Initialization
3.4.1. Registers
3.4.2. Process Stack
3.5. Coding Examples
3.5.1. Code Model Overview
3.5.2. The TOC section
3.5.3. TOC Assembly Language Syntax
3.5.4. Function Prologue and Epilogue
3.5.5. Register Saving and Restoring Functions
3.5.6. Saving General Registers Only
3.5.7. Saving General Registers and Floating Point Registers
3.5.8. Saving Floating Point Registers Only
3.5.9. Save and Restore Services
3.5.10. Data Objects
3.5.11. Function Calls
3.5.12. Branching
3.5.13. Dynamic Stack Space Allocation
3.6. DWARF Definition
3.6.1. DWARF Release Number
3.6.2. DWARF Register Number Mapping
4. Object Files
4.1. ELF Header
4.2. Special Sections
4.3. TOC
4.4. Symbol Table
4.4.1. Symbol Values
4.5. Relocation
4.5.1. Relocation Types
5. Program Loading and Dynamic Linking
5.1. Program Loading
5.1.1. Program Interpreter
5.2. Dynamic Linking
5.2.1. Dynamic Section
5.2.2. Global Offset Table
5.2.3. Function Addresses
5.2.4. Procedure Linkage Table
6. Libraries
A. GNU Free Documentation License
A.12. How to use this License for your documents
List of Figures
3-1. Bit and Byte Numbering in Halfwords
3-2. Bit and Byte Numbering in Words
3-3. Bit and Byte Numbering in Doublewords
3-4. Bit and Byte Numbering in Quadwords
3-5. Structure Smaller Than a Word
3-6. No Padding
3-7. Internal Padding
3-8. Internal and Tail Padding
3-9. Union Allocation
3-10. Bit Numbering
3-11. Bit-field Allocation
3-12. Boundary Alignment
3-13. Doubleword Boundary Alignment
3-14. Storage Unit Sharing
3-15. Union Allocation
3-16. Unnamed bit-fields
3-17. Stack Frame Organiztion
3-18. Parameter Passing
4-1. Relocation Table
5-1. Virtual Address

Chapter 1. Introduction

ELF defines a linking interface for compiled application programs. ELF is described in two parts. The first part is the generic System V ABI. The second part is a processor specific supplement.

This document is the processor specific supplement for use with ELF on 64-bit PowerPC® processor systems.

This document is not a complete System V Application Binary Interface Supplement, because it does not define any library interfaces.

In the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture™, a processor can run in either of two modes: big-endian mode or little-endian mode. (See Section 3.1.3.) Accordingly, this ABI specification really defines two binary interfaces, a big-endian ABI and a little-endian ABI. Programs and (in general) data produced by programs that run on an implementation of the big-endian interface are not portable to an implementation of the little-endian interface, and vice versa. The 64-bit PowerPC ELF ABI is not the same as the 32-bit PowerPC ELF ABI, nor is it a simple extension. A system which supports the 64-bit PowerPC ELF ABI may, but need not, support the 32-bit PowerPC ELF ABI.

The 64-bit PowerPC ELF ABI is intended to use the same structure layout and calling convention rules as the 64-bit PowerOpen ABI.

1.1. How to Use the 64-bit PowerPC ELF ABI Supplement

While the generic System V ABI is the prime reference document, this document contains 64-bit PowerPC processor-specific implementation details, some of which supersedes information in the generic ABI.

As with the System V ABI, this document refers to other publicly available documents, especially the book titled IBM PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture, all of which should be considered part of this 64-bit PowerPC Processor ABI Supplement and just as binding as the requirements and data it explicitly includes.

The following documents may be of interest to the reader of this specification:

  • System V Interface Definition, Issue 3.

  • The PowerPC Architecture: A Specification for A New Family of RISC Processors. International Business Machines (IBM). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.

  • DWARF Debugging Information Format, Revision: Version 2.0.0 , July 27, 1993. UNIX International, Program Languages SIG.

  • The [32-bit] PowerPC Processor Supplement, Sun Microsystems, 1995.

  • The [32-bit] AltiVec Technology Programming Interface Manual, Motorola, 1999.

  • The 64-bit AIX ABI.

  • The PowerOpen ABI.

Chapter 2. Software Installation

2.1. Physical Distribution Media and Formats

This document does not specify any physical distribution media or formats. Any agreed upon distribution media may be used.

Chapter 3. Low Level System Information

3.1. Machine Interface

3.1.1. Processor Architecture

The PowerPC Architecture: A Specification for A New Family of RISC Processors defines the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture. Programs intended to execute directly on the processor use the 64-bit PowerPC instruction set, and the instruction encodings and semantics of the architecture.

An application program can assume that all instructions defined by the architecture that are neither privileged nor optional exist and work as documented. However, the "Fixed-Point Move Assist" instructions are not available in little-endian implementations. In little-endian mode, these instructions always cause alignment exceptions in the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture; in big-endian mode they are usually slower than a sequence of other instructions that have the same effect.

To be ABI-conforming, the processor must implement the instructions of the architecture, perform the specified operations, and produce the expected results. The ABI neither places performance constraints on systems nor specifies what instructions must be implemented in hardware. A software emulation of the architecture could conform to the ABI.

Some processors might support the optional instructions in the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture, or additional non-64-bit-PowerPC instructions or capabilities. Programs that use those instructions or capabilities do not conform to the 64-bit PowerPC ABI; executing them on machines without the additional capabilities gives undefined behavior.

3.1.3. Byte Ordering

The architecture defines an 8-bit byte, a 16-bit halfword, a 32-bit word, a 64-bit doubleword, and a 128-bit quadword. Byte ordering defines how the bytes that make up halfwords, words, doublewords, and quadwords are ordered in memory. Most significant byte (MSB) byte ordering, or "big-endian" as it is sometimes called, means that the most significant byte is located in the lowest addressed byte position in a storage unit (byte 0). Least significant byte (LSB) byte ordering, or "little-endian" as it is sometimes called, means that the least significant byte is located in the lowest addressed byte position in a storage unit (byte 0).

The 64-bit PowerPC processor family supports either big-endian or little-endian byte ordering. This specification defines two ABIs, one for each type of byte ordering. An implementation must state which type of byte ordering it supports. The following figures illustrate the conventions for bit and byte numbering within various width storage units. These conventions apply to both integer data and floating-point data, where the most significant byte of a floating-point value holds the sign and at least the start of the exponent. The figures show little-endian byte numbers in the upper right corners, big-endian byte numbers in the upper left corners, and bit numbers in the lower corners.


In the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture documentation, the bits in a word are numbered from left to right (MSB to LSB), and figures usually show only the big-endian byte order.

Figure 3-1. Bit and Byte Numbering in Halfwords

|0     1|1     0|
|  msb  |  lsb  |
|0     7| 8   15|

Figure 3-2. Bit and Byte Numbering in Words

|0     3|1     2|2     1|3     0|
|  msb  |       |       |  lsb  |
|0     7|8    15|16   23|24   31|

Figure 3-3. Bit and Byte Numbering in Doublewords

|0     7|1     6|2     5|3     4|
|  msb  |       |       |       |
|0     7|8    15|16   23|24   31|
|4     3|5     2|6     1|7     0|
|       |       |       |  lsb  |
|32   39|40   47|48   55|56   63|

Figure 3-4. Bit and Byte Numbering in Quadwords

|0    15|1    14|2    13|3    12|
|  msb  |       |       |       |
|0     7|8    15|16   23|24   31|
|4    11|5    10|6     9|7     8|
|       |       |       |       |
|32   39|40   47|48   55|56   63|
|8     7|9     6|10    5|11    4|
|       |       |       |       |
|64   71|72   79|80   87|88   95|
|12    3|13    2|14    1|15    0|
|       |       |       |  lsb  |
|96  103|104 111|112 119|120 127|

3.1.4. Fundamental Types

The following table shows how ANSI C scalar types correspond to those of the 64-bit PowerPC processor. For all types, a NULL pointer has the value zero. The alignment column specifies the required alignment of a field of the given type within a struct. Variables may be more strictly aligned than is shown in the table, but fields in a struct must follow the alignment specified in order to ensure consistent struct mapping.

Type         ANSI C          sizeof    Alignment    PowerPC
boolean      _bool           1         byte         unsigned byte
Character    char            1         byte         unsigned byte
             unsigned char
             signed char     1         byte         signed byte
             short           2         halfword     signed halfword
             signed short
             unsigned short  2         halfword     unsigned halfword
Integral     int             4         word         signed word
             signed int
             unsigned int    4         word         unsigned word
             long int        8         doubleword   signed doubleword
             signed long
             long long
             unsigned long   8         doubleword   unsigned doubleword
             unsigned long long
             __int128_t     16         quadword     signed quadword
             __uint128_t    16         quadword     unsigned quadword
Pointer      any *           8         doubleword   unsigned doubleword
             any (*) ()
Floating     float           4         word         single precision
             double          8         doubleword   double precision
             long double     16        quadword     extended precision
vector       16*char         16        quadword     vector of signed bytes
             16*unsigned     16        quadword     vector of unsigned
             char                                   bytes
             8*short         16        quadword     vector of signed
             8*unsigned      16        quadword     vector of unsigned
             short                                  halfwords
             4*int           16        quadword     vector of signed
             4*unsigned int  16        quadword     vector of unsigned
             4*float         16        quadword     vector of floats


3.1.5. Extended Precision

"Extended precision" is the IBM AIX® 128-bit long double format composed of two double-precision numbers with different magnitudes that do not overlap. The high-order double-precision value (the one that comes first in storage) must have the larger magnitude. The value of the extended-precision number is the sum of the two double-precision values.

  • Extended precision provides the same range of double precision (about 10**(-308) to 10**308) but more precision (a variable amount, about 31 decimal digits or more).

  • As the absolute value of the magnitude decreases (near the denormal range), the precision available in the low-order double also decreases.

  • When the value represented is in the denormal range, this representation provides no more precision than 64-bit (double) floating point.

  • The actual number of bits of percision can vary. If the low-order part is much less then 1 ULP of the high-order part, significant bits (either all 0's or all 1's) are implied between the significands of high-order and low-order numbers. Some algorithms that rely on having a fixed number of bits in the significand can fail when using "Extended precision".

This "Extended precision" differs from the IEEE 754 Standard in the following ways:

  • The software support is restricted to round-to-nearest mode. Programs that use extended precision must ensure that this rounding mode is in effect when extended-precision calculations are performed.

  • Does not fully support the IEEE special numbers NaN and INF. These values are encoded in the high-order double value only. The low-order value is not significant.

  • Does not support the IEEE status flags for overflow, underflow, and other conditions. These flag have no meaning in this format.

3.1.6. Aggregates and Unions

Aggregates (structures and arrays) and unions assume the alignment of their most strictly aligned component, that is, the component with the largest alignment. The size of any object, including aggregates and unions, is always a multiple of the alignment of the object. An array uses the same alignment as its elements. Structure and union objects may require padding to meet size and alignment constraints:

  • An entire structure or union object is aligned on the same boundary as its most strictly aligned member.

  • Each member is assigned to the lowest available offset with the appropriate alignment. This may require internal padding, depending on the previous member.

  • If necessary, a structure's size is increased to make it a multiple of the structure's alignment. This may require tail padding, depending on the last member.

In the following examples, members' byte offsets for little-endian implementations appear in the upper right corners; offsets for big-endian implementations in the upper left corners.

Figure 3-5. Structure Smaller Than a Word

struct {
  char c;
byte aligned, sizeof is 1
|0     0|
|   c   |

Figure 3-6. No Padding

struct {
  char  c;
  char  d;
  short s;
  int   n;
word aligned, sizeof is 8
little endian:

|              2|      1|      0|
|       s       |   d   |   c   |
|                              4|
|               n               |
big endian:

|0      |1      |2              |
|   c   |   d   |       s       |
|4                              |
|               n               |

Figure 3-7. Internal Padding

struct {
  char  c;
  short s;
halfword aligned, sizeof is 4
little endian:

|              2|      1|      0|
|       s       |  pad  |   c   |

big endian:

|0      |1      |2              |
|   c   |  pad  |       s       |

Figure 3-8. Internal and Tail Padding

struct {
 char   c;
 double d;
 short  s;
doubleword aligned, sizeof is 24
little endian:

|                      1|      0|
|          pad          |   c   |
|                              4|
|              pad              |
|                              8|
|               d               |
|                             12|
|               d               |
|             18|             16|
|      pad      |       s       |
|                             20|
|              pad              |

big endian:

|0      |1                      |
|   c   |          pad          |
|4                              |
|              pad              |
|8                              |
|               d               |
|12                             |
|               d               |
|16             |18             |
|       s       |      pad      |
|20                             |
|             pad               |

Figure 3-9. Union Allocation

union {
  char  c;
  short s;
  int   j;
word aligned, sizeof is 4
little endian:

|                      1|      0|
|          pad          |   c   |
|              2|              0|
|      pad      |       s       |
|                              0|
|               j               |

big endian:

|0      |1                      |
|   c   |          pad          |
|0              |2              |
|       s       |      pad      |
|0                              |
|               j               |

3.1.7. Bit-fields

C struct and union definitions may have "bit-fields," defining integral objects with a specified number of bits.

In the following table, a signed range goes from - (2(w - 1)) to (2(w - 1)) - 1 and an unsigned range goes from 0 to (2w) - 1.

Bit-field type        Width (w)          Range
signed char           1 to 8             signed
char                                     unsigned
unsigned char                            unsigned
signed short          1 to 16            signed
short                                    signed
unsigned short                           unsigned
signed int            1 to 32            signed
int                                      signed
unsigned int                             unsigned
enum                                     unsigned
signed long           1 to 64            signed
long                                     signed
unsigned long                            unsigned

"Plain" bit-fields (that is, those neither signed nor unsigned) may have either positive or negative values, except in the case of plain char, which is always positive. Bit-fields obey the same size and alignment rules as other structure and union members, with the following additions:

  • Bit-fields are allocated from right to left (least to most significant) on little-endian implementations and from left to right (most to least significant) on big-endian implementations.

  • Bit-fields are limited to at most 64 bits. Adjacent bit-fields that cross a 64-bit boundary will start a new storage unit.

  • The alignment of a bit-field is the same as the alignment of the base type of the bit-field. Thus, an int bit-field will have word alignment.

  • Bit-fields must share a storage unit with other structure and union members (either bit-field or non-bit-field) if and only if there is sufficient space within the storage unit.

  • Unnamed bit-fields' types do not affect the alignment of a structure or union, although an individual bit-field's member offsets obey the alignment constraints. An unnamed, zero-width bit-field shall prevent any further member, bit-field or other, from residing in the storage unit corresponding to the type of the zero-width bit-field.


The 64-bit PowerOpen ABI restricts bit-fields to be of type signed int, unsigned int, plain int, long, or unsigned long. This document does not have that restriction.

The 32-bit PowerPC Processor Supplement specifies that a bit-field must entirely reside in a storage unit appropriate for its declared type. This document only restricts bit-fields to a 64-bit storage unit.

The following examples show struct and union members' byte offsets in the upper right corners for little-endian implementations, and in the upper left corners for big-endian implementations. Bit numbers appear in the lower corners.

Figure 3-10. Bit Numbering


|0     3|1     2|2     1|3     0|
|  01   |  02   |  03   |  04   |
|0     7|8    15|16   23|24   31|

Figure 3-11. Bit-field Allocation

struct {
  int j : 5;
  int k : 6;
  int m : 7;
word aligned, sizeof is 4
little endian:

|          |       |      |    0|
|    pad   |   m   |  k   |  j  |
|0       13|14   20|21  26|27 31|

big endian:

|0    |      |       |          |
|  j  |  k   |   m   |   pad    |
|0   4|5   10|11   17|18      31|

Figure 3-12. Boundary Alignment

struct {
  short s : 9;
  int   j : 9;
  char  c;
  short t : 9;
  short u : 9;
  char  d;
word aligned, sizeof is 8
little endian:

|      3|     |        |       0|
|   c   | pad |   j    |   s    |
|0     7|8  13|14    22|23    31|
|      7|     |        |       4|
|   d   | pad |   u    |   t    |
|0     7|8  13|14    22|23    31|

big endian:

|0       |        |     |3      |
|   s    |   j    | pad |   c   |
|0      8|9     17|18 23|24   31|
|4       |        |     |7      |
|   t    |   u    | pad |   d   |
|0      8|9     17|18 23|24   31|

Figure 3-13. Doubleword Boundary Alignment

struct {
  long i : 56;
  int  j : 9:
doubleword aligned, sizeof is 16
little endian:

|                              0|
|              i                |
|0                            31|
|       |                      4|
|  pad  |         i             |
|32   39|40                   63|
|                      |       8|
|         pad          |   j    |
|0                   22|23    31|
|                             12|
|             pad               |
|0                            31|

big endian:

|0                              |
|              i                |
|0                            31|
|4                      |       |
|           i           |  pad  |
|32                   55|56   63|
|8       |                      |
|   j    |        pad           |
|0      8|9                   31|
|12                             |
|             pad               |
|0                            31|

Figure 3-14. Storage Unit Sharing

struct {
  char  c;
  short s : 8;
halfword aligned, sizeof is 2
little endian:

|      1|      0|
|   s   |   c   |
|0     7|8    15|

big endian:

|0      |1      |
|   c   |   s   |
|0     7|8    15|

Figure 3-15. Union Allocation

union {
  char  c;
  short s : 8;
halfword aligned, sizeof is 2
little endian:

|      1|      0|
|  pad  |   c   |
|0     7|8    15|
|      1|      0|
|  pad  |   s   |
|0     7|8    15|

big endian:

|0      |1      |
|   c   |  pad  |
|0     7|8    15|
|0      |1      |
|   s   |  pad  |
|0     7|8    15|

Figure 3-16. Unnamed bit-fields

struct {
  char  c;
  int   : 0;
  char  d;
  short : 9;
  char  e;
byte aligned, sizeof is 8
little endian:

|                      1|      0|
|           :0          |   c   |
|0                    23|24   31|
|      7|      |        |      4|
|   e   | pad  |   :9   |   d   |
|0     7|8   14|15    23|24   31|

big endian:

|0      |1                      |
|   c   |          :0           |
|0     7|8                    31|
|4      |        |      |7      |
|   d   |   :9   | pad  |   e   |
|0     7|8     16|17  23|24   31|


In this example, the presence of the unnamed int and short fields does not affect the alignment of the structure. They align the named members relative to the beginning of the structure, but the named members may not be aligned in memory on suitable boundaries. For example, the d members in an array of these structures will not all be on an int (4-byte) boundary.

3.2. Function Calling Sequence

This section discusses the standard function calling sequence, including stack frame layout, register usage, and parameter passing.

C programs follow the conventions given here. For specific information on the implementation of C, see Section 3.5.


The standard calling sequence requirements apply only to global functions. Local functions that are not reachable from other compilation units may use different conventions as long as they provide traceback tables as described in Section 3.3. Nonetheless, it is recommended that all functions use the standard calling sequences when possible.

3.2.1. Registers

The 64-bit PowerPC Architecture provides 32 general purpose registers, each 64 bits wide. In addition, the architecture provides 32 floating-point registers, each 64 bits wide, and several special purpose registers. All of the integer, special purpose, and floating-point registers are global to all functions in a running program. The following table shows how the registers are used.

r0        Volatile register used in function prologs
r1        Stack frame pointer
r2        TOC pointer
r3        Volatile parameter and return value register
r4-r10    Volatile registers used for function parameters
r11       Volatile register used in calls by pointer and as an
          environment pointer for languages which require one
r12       Volatile register used for exception handling and glink code
r13       Reserved for use as system thread ID
r14-r31   Nonvolatile registers used for local variables

f0        Volatile scratch register
f1-f4     Volatile floating point parameter and return value registers
f5-f13    Volatile floating point parameter registers
f14-f31   Nonvolatile registers

LR        Link register (volatile)
CTR       Loop counter register (volatile)
XER       Fixed point exception register (volatile)
FPSCR     Floating point status and control register (volatile)

CR0-CR1   Volatile condition code register fields
CR2-CR4   Nonvolatile condition code register fields
CR5-CR7   Volatile condition code register fields

On processors with the VMX feature.

v0-v1     Volatile scratch registers
v2-v13    Volatile vector parameters registers
v14-v19   Volatile scratch registers
v20-v31   Non-volatile registers
vrsave    Non-volatile 32-bit register

The existence of the VMX feature will be indicated in the AT_HWCAP auxiliary vector entry.

Registers r1, r14 through r31, and f14 through f31 are nonvolatile, which means that they preserve their values across function calls. Functions which use those registers must save the value before changing it, restoring it before the function returns. Register r2 is technically nonvolatile, but it is handled specially during function calls as described below: in some cases the calling function must restore its value after a function call.

Registers r0, r3 through r12, f0 through f13, and the special purpose registers LR, CTR, XER, and FPSCR are volatile, which means that they are not preserved across function calls. Furthermore, registers r0, r2, r11, and r12 may be modified by cross-module calls, so a function can not assume that the values of one of these registers is that placed there by the calling function.

The condition code register fields CR0, CR1, CR5, CR6, and CR7 are volatile. The condition code register fields CR2, CR3, and CR4 are nonvolatile; a function which modifies them must save and restore at least those fields of the CR. Languages that require "environment pointers" shall use r11 for that purpose.

The following registers have assigned roles in the standard calling sequence:


The stack pointer (stored in r1) shall maintain quadword alignment. It shall always point to the lowest allocated valid stack frame, and grow toward low addresses. The contents of the word at that address always point to the previously allocated stack frame. If required, it can be decremented by the called function. See Section 3.5.13 for additional infromation. As discussed later in this chapter, the lowest valid stack address is 288 bytes less than the value in the stack pointer. The stack pointer must be atomically updated by a single instruction, thus avoiding any timing window in which an interrupt can occur with a partially updated stack.


This register holds the TOC base. See Section 3.5.2 for additional information.

r3 through r10 and f1 through f13

These sets of volatile registers may be modified across function invocations and shall therefore be presumed by the calling function to be destroyed. They are used for passing parameters to the called function. See Section 3.2.3 for additional information. In addition, registers r3 and f1 through f4 are used to return values from the called function, as described in Section 3.2.4.

LR (Link Register)

This register shall contain the address to which a called function normally returns. LR is volatile across function calls.

Signals can interrupt processes (see signal (BA-OS) in the System V Interface Definition). Functions called during signal handling have no unusual restrictions on their use of registers. Moreover, if a signal handling function returns, the process resumes its original execution path with all registers restored to their original values. Thus, programs and compilers may freely use all registers above except those reserved for system use without the danger of signal handlers inadvertently changing their values.

3.2.2. The Stack Frame

In addition to the registers, each function may have a stack frame on the runtime stack. This stack grows downward from high addresses. The following figure shows the stack frame organization. SP in the figure denotes the stack pointer (general purpose register r1) of the called function after it has executed code establishing its stack frame.

Figure 3-17. Stack Frame Organiztion

High Address

          +-> Back chain
          |   Floating point register save area
          |   General register save area
          |   VRSAVE save word (32-bits)
          |   Alignment padding (4 or 12 bytes)
          |   Vector register save area (quadword aligned)
          |   Local variable space
          |   Parameter save area    (SP + 48)
          |   TOC save area          (SP + 40)
          |   link editor doubleword (SP + 32)
          |   compiler doubleword    (SP + 24)
          |   LR save area           (SP + 16)
          |   CR save area           (SP + 8)
SP  --->  +-- Back chain             (SP + 0)

Low Address

The following requirements apply to the stack frame:

  • The stack pointer shall maintain quadword alignment.

  • The stack pointer shall point to the first word of the lowest allocated stack frame, the "back chain" word. The stack shall grow downward, that is, toward lower addresses. The first word of the stack frame shall always point to the previously allocated stack frame (toward higher addresses), except for the first stack frame, which shall have a back chain of 0 (NULL).

  • The stack pointer shall be decremented by the called function in its prologue, if required, and restored prior to return.

  • The stack pointer shall be decremented and the back chain updated atomically using one of the "Store Double Word with Update" instructions, so that the stack pointer always points to the beginning of a linked list of stack frames.

  • The sizes of the floating-point and general register save areas may vary within a function and are as determined by the traceback table described below.

  • Before a function changes the value in any nonvolatile floating-point register, frn, it shall save the value in frn in the double word in the floating-point register save area 8*(32-n) bytes before the back chain word of the previous frame. The floating-point register save area is always doubleword aligned. The size of the floating-point register save area depends upon the number of floating point registers which must be saved. It ranges from 0 bytes to a maximum of 144 bytes (18 * 8).

  • Before a function changes the value in any nonvolatile general register, rn, it shall save the value in rn in the word in the general register save area 8*(32-n) bytes before the low addressed end of the floating-point register save area. The general register save area is always doubleword aligned. The size of the general register save area depends upon the number of general registers which must be saved. It ranges from 0 bytes to a maximum of 144 bytes (18 * 8).

  • Functions must ensure that the appropriate bits in the vrsave register are set for any vector registers they use. A function that changes the value of the vrsave register shall save the original value of vrsave into the word below the low address end of the general register save area. Below the vrsave save area will be 4 or 12 bytes of alignment padding as needed to ensure that the vector register save area is quadword aligned.

  • Before a function changes the value in any nonvolatile vector register, vrn, it shall save the value in vrn in the word in the vector register save area 16*(32-n) bytes before the low addressed end of the vrsave save area plus alignment padding. The vector register save area is always quadword aligned. The size of the vector register save area depends upon the number of vector registers which must be saved; it ranges from 0 bytes to a maximum of 192 bytes (12 * 16).

  • The local variable space contains any local variable storage required by the function. If vector registers are saved the local variable space area will be padded so that the vector register save area is quadword aligned.

  • The parameter save area shall be allocated by the caller. It shall be doubleword aligned, and shall be at least 8 doublewords in length. If a function needs to pass more than 8 doublewords of arguments, the parameter save area shall be large enough to contain the arguments that the caller stores in it. Its contents are not preserved across function calls.

  • The TOC save area is used by global linkage code to save the TOC pointer register. See The TOC section later in the chapter.

  • The link editor doubleword is reserved for use by code generated by the link editor. This ABI does not specify any usage; the AIX link editor uses this space under certain circumstances.

  • The compiler doubleword is reserved for use by the compiler. This ABI does not specify any usage; the AIX compiler uses this space under certain circumstances.

  • Before a function calls any other functions, it shall save the value in the LR register in the LR save area.

  • Before a function changes the value in any nonvolatile field in the condition register, it shall save the values in all the nonvolatile fields of the condition register at the time of entry to the function in the CR save area.

  • The 288 bytes below the stack pointer is available as volatile storage which is not preserved across function calls. Interrupt handlers and any other functions that might run without an explicit call must take care to preserve this region. If a function does not need more stack space than is available in this area, it does not need to have a stack frame.

The stack frame header consists of the back chain word, the CR save area, the LR save area, the compiler and link editor doublewords, and the TOC save area, for a total of 48 bytes. The back chain word always contains a pointer to the previously allocated stack frame. Before a function calls another function, it shall save the contents of the link register at the time the function was entered in the LR save area of its caller's stack frame and shall establish its own stack frame.

Except for the stack frame header and any padding necessary to make the entire frame a multiple of 16 bytes in length, a function need not allocate space for the areas that it does not use. If a function does not call any other functions and does not require any of the other parts of the stack frame, it need not establish a stack frame. Any padding of the frame as a whole shall be within the local variable area; the parameter save area shall immediately follow the stack frame header, and the register save areas shall contain no padding except as noted for VRSAVE.

3.2.3. Parameter Passing

For a RISC machine such as 64-bit PowerPC, it is generally more efficient to pass arguments to called functions in registers (both general and floating-point registers) than to construct an argument list in storage or to push them onto a stack. Since all computations must be performed in registers anyway, memory traffic can be eliminated if the caller can compute arguments into registers and pass them in the same registers to the called function, where the called function can then use them for further computation in the same registers. The number of registers implemented in a processor architecture naturally limits the number of arguments that can be passed in this manner.

For the 64-bit PowerPC, up to eight doublewords are passed in general purpose registers, loaded sequentially into general purpose registers r3 through r10. Up to thirteen floating-point arguments can be passed in floating-point registers f1 through f13. If VMX is supported, up to twelve vector parameters can be passed in v2 through v13. If fewer (or no) arguments are passed, the unneeded registers are not loaded and will contain undefined values on entry to the called function.

The parameter save area, which is located at a fixed offset of 48 bytes from the stack pointer, is reserved in each stack frame for use as an argument list. A minimum of 8 doublewords is always reserved. The size of this area must be sufficient to hold the longest argument list being passed by the function which owns the stack frame. Although not all arguments for a particular call are located in storage, consider them to be forming a list in this area, with each argument occupying one or more doublewords.

If more arguments are passed than can be stored in registers, the remaining arguments are stored in the parameter save area. The values passed on the stack are identical to those that have been placed in registers; thus, the stack contains register images.

For variable argument lists, this ABI uses a va_list type which is a pointer to the memory location of the next parameter. Using a simple va_list type means that variable arguments must always be in the same location regardless of type, so that they can be found at runtime. This ABI defines the location to be general registers r3 through r10 for the first eight doublewords and the stack parameter save area thereafter. Alignment requirements such as those for vector types may require the va_list pointer to first be aligned before accessing a value.

The rules for parameter passing are as follows:

  • Each argument is mapped to as many doublewords of the parameter save area as are required to hold its value.

    • Single precision floating point values are mapped to the first word in a single doubleword.

    • Double precision floating point values are mapped to a single doubleword.

    • Extended precision floating point values are mapped to two consecutive doublewords.

    • Simple integer types (char, short, int, long, enum) are mapped to a single doubleword. Values shorter than a doubleword are sign or zero extended as necessary.

    • Complex floating point and complex integer types are mapped as if the argument was specified as separate real and imaginary parts.

    • Pointers are mapped to a single doubleword.

    • Vectors are mapped to a single quadword, quadword aligned. This may result in skipped doublewords in the parameter save area.

    • Fixed size aggregates and unions passed by value are mapped to as many doublewords of the parameter save area as the value uses in memory. Aggregrates and unions are aligned according to their alignment requirements. This may result in doublewords being skipped for alignment.

    • An aggregate or union smaller than one doubleword in size is padded so that it appears in the least significant bits of the doubleword. All others are padded, if necessary, at their tail. Variable size aggregates or unions are passed by reference.

    • Other scalar values are mapped to the number of doublewords required by their size.

  • If the callee has a known prototype, arguments are converted to the type of the corresponding parameter before being mapped into the parameter save area. For example, if a long is used as an argument to a float double parameter, the value is converted to double-precision and mapped to a doubleword in the parameter save area.

  • Floating point registers f1 through f13 are used consecutively to pass up to 13 single, double and extended precision floating point values, and to pass the corresponding complex floating point values. The first 13 of all doublewords in the parameter save area that map floating point arguments, except for arguments corresponding to the variable argument part of a callee with a prototype containing an ellipsis, will be passed in floating point registers. A single precision value occupies one register as does a double precision value. Extended precision values occupy two consecutively numbered registers. The corresponding complex values occupy twice as many registers.

  • Vector registers v2 through v13 are used to consecutively pass up to 12 vector values, except for arguments corresponding to the variable argument part of a callee with a prototype containing an ellipsis.

  • If there is no known function prototype for a callee, or if the function prototype for a callee contains an ellipsis and the argument value is not part of the fixed arguments described by the prototype, then floating point and vector values are passed according to the following rules for non-floating, non-vector types. In the case of no known prototype this may result in two copies of floating and vector argument values being passed.

  • General registers are used to pass some values. The first eight doublewords mapped to the parameter save area correspond to the registers r3 through r10. An argument other than floating point and vector values fully described by a prototype, that maps to this area either fully or partially, is passed in the corresponding general registers.

  • All other arguments (or parts thereof) not already covered must be stored in the parameter save area following the first eight doublewords. The first eight doublewords mapped to the parameter save area are never stored in the parameter save area by the calling function.

  • If the callee takes the address of any of its parameters, then values passed in registers are stored into the parameter save area by the callee. If the compilation unit for the caller contains a function prototype, but the callee has a mismatching definition, this may result in the wrong values being stored.

Figure 3-18. Parameter Passing

typedef struct {
  int    a;
  double dd;
} sparm;
sparm   s, t;
int     c, d, e;
long double ld;
double  ff, gg, hh;

x = func(c, ff, d, ld, s, gg, t, e, hh);
Parameter     Register     Offset in parameter save area
c             r3           0-7    (not stored in parameter save area)
ff            f1           8-15   (not stored)
d             r5           16-23  (not stored)
ld            f2,f3        24-39  (not stored)
s             r8,r9        40-55  (not stored)
gg            f4           56-63  (not stored)
t             (none)       64-79  (stored in parameter save area)
e             (none)       80-87  (stored)
hh            f5           88-95  (not stored)


If a prototype is not in scope, then the floating point argument ff is also passed in r4, the long double argument ld is also passed in r6 and r7, the floating point argument gg is also passing in r10, and the floating point argument gg is also stored into the parameter save area. If a prototype containing an ellipsis describes any of these floating point arguments as being part of the variable argument part, then the general registers and parameter save area are used as when no prototype is in scope, and the floating point register(s) are not used.

3.2.4. Return Values

Functions shall return float or double values in f1, with float values rounded to single precision.

When the VMX facility is supported, functions shall return vector data type values in v2.

Functions shall return values of type int, long, enum, short, and char, or a pointer to any type, as unsigned or signed integers as appropriate, zero- or sign-extended to 64 bits if necessary, in r3. Character arrays of length 8 bytes or less, or bit strings of length 64 bits or less, will be returned right justified in r3. Aggregates or unions of any length, and character strings of length longer than 8 bytes, will be returned in a storage buffer allocated by the caller. The caller will pass the address of this buffer as a hidden first argument in r3, causing the first explicit argument to be passed in r4. This hidden argument is treated as a normal formal parameter, and corresponds to the first doubleword of the parameter save area.

Functions shall return floating point scalar values of size 16 or 32 bytes in f1:f2 and f1:f4, respectively.

Functions shall return floating point complex values of size 16 (four or eight byte complex) in f1:f2 and floating point complex values of size 32 (16 byte complex) in f1:f4.

3.2.5. Function Descriptors

A function descriptor is a three doubleword data structure that contains the following values:

  • The first doubleword contains the address of the entry point of the function.

  • The second doubleword contains the TOC base address for the function (see Section 4.3 later in this chapter).

  • The third doubleword contains the environment pointer for languages such as Pascal and PL/1.

For an externally visible function, the value of the symbol with the same name as the function is the address of the function descriptor. Symbol names with a dot (.) prefix are reserved for holding entry point addresses. The value of a symbol named ".FN" is the entry point of the function "FN".

The value of a function pointer in a language like C is the address of the function descriptor. Examples of calling a function through a pointer are provided in Section 3.5.11.

When the link editor processes relocatable object files in order to produce an executable or shared object, it must treat direct function calls specially, as described below.

3.3. Traceback Tables

To support debuggers and exception handlers, the 64-bit PowerPC ELF ABI defines traceback tables. Compilers must support generation of at least the mandatory part of traceback tables, and system libraries should contain the mandatory part. Compilers should provide an option to turn off traceback table generation to save space when the information is not needed.

Traceback tables are intended to be compatible with the 64-bit PowerOpen ABI.

Compilers should generate a traceback table following the end of the code for every function. Debuggers and exception handlers can locate the traceback tables by scanning forward from the instruction address at the point of interruption. The beginning of the traceback table is marked by a word of zeroes, which is an illegal instruction. If read-only constants are compiled into the same section as the function code, they must follow the traceback table. A word of zeroes as read-only data must not be the first word following the code for a function. A traceback table is word-aligned.

3.3.1. Mandatory Fields

The following are the mandatory fields of a traceback table:

version        Eight-bit field.  This defines the type code for the
               table.  The only currently defined value is zero.

lang           Eight-bit field.  This defines the source language for
               the compiler that generated the code for which this
               traceback table applies.  The default values are as
                  C             0
                  FORTRAN       1
                  Pascal        2
                  Ada           3
                  PL/1          4
                  Basic         5
                  LISP          6
                  COBOL         7
                  Modula2       8
                  C++           9
                  RPG           10
                  PL.8,PLIX     11
                  Assembly      12
                  Java          13
                  Objective C   14
               The codes 0xf to 0xfa are reserved.  The codes 0xfb to
               0xff are reserved for IBM.

globalink      One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if this routine
               is a special routine used to support the linkage
               convention: a linkage function or a ._ptrgl function.
               See the section Function Calls for more information.
               These routines have unusual register usage and stack

is_eprol       One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if this routine
               is an out-of-line prologue or epilogue function.  See
               the section Function Prologue and Epilogue for more
               information.  These routines have unusual register
               usage and stack format.

has_tboff      One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the offset of
               the traceback table from the start of the function is
               stored in the tb_offset field.

int_proc       One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if this function
               is a stackless leaf function that does not have a
               separate stack frame.

has_ctl        One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if ctl_info is

tocless        One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if this function
               does not have a TOC.  For example, a stackless leaf
               assembly language routine with no references to
               external objects.

fp_present     One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if  the function
               uses floating-point processor instructions.

log_abort      One-bit field.  Reserved.

int_handl      One-bit field.  Reserved.

name_present   One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the name for
               the procedure is present following the traceback field,
               as determined by the name_len and name fields.

uses_alloca    One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the procedure
               performs dynamic stack allocation.  To address their
               local variables, these procedures require a different
               register to hold the stack pointer value.  This
               register may be chosen by the compiler, and must be
               indicated by setting the value of the alloc_reg field.

cl_dis_inv     Three-bit field.  Reserved.

saves_cr       One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the function
               saves the CR in the CR save area.

saves_lr       One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the function
               saves the LR in the LR save area.

stores_bc      One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the function
               saves the back chain (the SP of its caller) in the
               stack frame header.

fixup          One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the link
               editor replaced the original instruction by a branch
               instruction to a special fixup instruction sequence.

fp_saved       Six-bit field.  This field is set to the number of
               non-volatile floating point registers that the function
               saves.  The last register saved is always f31, so, for
               example, a value of 2 in this field indicates that f30
               and f31 are saved.

has_vec_info   One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the procedure
               saves non-volatile vector registers in the vector
               register save area, saves vrsave in the VRSAVE word,
               specifies the number of vector parameters, or uses VMX

spare4         One-bit field.  Reserved.

gpr_saved      Six-bit field.  This field is set to the number of
               non-volatile general registers that the function
               saves.  As with fp_saved, the last register saved is
               always r31.

fixedparms     Eight-bit field.  This field is set to the number of
               fixed point parameters.

floatparms     Seven-bit field.  This field is set to the number of
               floating point parameters.

parmsonstk     One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if all of the
               parameters are placed in the parameter save area.


If either fixedparms or floatparms is set to a non-zero value, the parminfo field exists.

A debugger can use the fixedparms, floatparms, and parmsonstk field to support displaying the parameters passed to a function. They specify the number of parameters passed in the general registers and the number passed in the floating point registers; they also specify whether the parameters are stored in the parameter save area. The parameters are stored in the parameter save area if the number of parameters is variable, or if the address of one of the parameters is taken, or if the compiler always stores the parameters at the optimization level of the compilation. If either the fixedparms or floatparms field is set to a non-zero value, then the next field, parminfo, can be used by a debugger to determine the relative order and types of the parameters.

3.3.2. Optional Fields

The following are the optional fields of a traceback table:

parminfo       Unsigned int.  This field is only present if either
               fixedparms or floatparms is set to a non-zero value.
               It can be used by a debugger to determine which
               registers were used to pass parameters to the routine
               and to determine the layout of the parameter save
               area.  This word is interpreted from left to right, as
                  bit is 0: the corresponding parameter is a fixed
                     point parameter passed in a general register or a
                     single doubleword in the parameter save area.
                  bit is 1: the corresponding parameter is a floating
                     point parameter, and the following bit determines
                     whether the parameter is single precision (the
                     following bit is 0) or double precision  (the
                     following bit is 1).

               Note: Since this field is only 32 bits long, there is a
               limit to how many parameters can be described.  This
               limit is in the range of 16 to 32 parameters depending
               upon the type of the parameters.  Note that it takes
               two bits to describe a floating point parameter and one
               bit for each non floating point parameter.

tb_offset      Unsigned int.  This word is only present if the
               has_tboff field is set to 1.  It holds the length of
               the function code.

hand_mask      Int.  Reserved.

ctl_info       Int.  This word is only present if the has_ctl field is
               set to 1.  It gives the number of controlled automatic
               anchor blocks defined for this procedure.  If an
               exception handler is unwinding the stack to restart
               some earlier function, the the controlled automatic
               storage must be released.  Controlled automatic storage
               is used by PL/1 and PL.8.

ctl_info_disp  Int[*].  This field is only present if the has_ctl
               field is set to 1.  The ctl_info field indicates the
               number of words.  Each word is the displacement to the
               location of the information.

name_len       Short.  This field is only present if the name_present
               field is set to 1.  It is the length of the function
               name that immediately follows this field.

name           char[*].  This field is only present if the
               name_present field is set to 1.  The name_len field
               indicates the number of characters.  The name is in
               seven-bit ASCII, and is not delimited by a null

alloca_reg     Char.  This field is only present if the uses_alloca
               bit is set to 1.  It holds the register number that is
               used as the base for variable accesses.

vr_saved       Six-bit field.  This field is set to the number of
               non-volatile floating point registers that the function
               saves.  The last register saved is always vr31, so, for
               example, a value of 2 in this field indicates that vr30
               and vr31 are saved.

saves_vrsave   One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if the VRSAVE
               word in the register save area must be used to restore
               the prior value before returning from this procedure.

has_varargs    One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if this function
               has a variable argument list.

vectorparms    Seven-bit field.  This field records the number of vector
               parameters.  This field must be non-zero for a procedure
               with vector parameters that does not have a variable
               argument list.  Otherwise parmsonstk must be set.

vec_present    One-bit field.  This field is set to 1 if VMX
               instructions are performed within the procedure.

3.4. Process Initialization

This section describes the machine state that exec creates for "infant" processes, including argument passing, register usage, and stack frame layout. Programming language systems use this initial program state to establish a standard environment for their application programs. For example, a C program begins executing at a function named main, conventionally declared as follows:

extern int main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]);

Briefly, argc is a non-negative argument count; argv is an array of argument strings, with argv[argc] == 0; and envp is an array of environment strings, also terminated by a NULL pointer.

Although this section does not describe C program initialization, it gives the information necessary to implement the call to main or to the entry point for a program in any other language.

3.4.1. Registers

When a process is first entered (from an exec(BA_OS) system call), the contents of registers other than those listed below are unspecified. Consequently, a program that requires registers to have specific values must set them explicitly during process initialization. It should not rely on the operating system to set all registers to 0. Following are the registers whose contents are specified:


The initial stack pointer, aligned to a quadword boundary and pointing to a word containing a NULL pointer.


The initial TOC pointer register value, obtained via the function descriptor pointed at by the e_entry field in the ELF header. For more information on function decscriptors, see Section 3.2.5. For more information on the ELF Header, see Section 4.1.


Contains argc, the number of arguments.


Contains argv, a pointer to the array of argument pointers in the stack. The array is immediately followed by a NULL pointer. If there are no arguments, r4 points to a NULL pointer.


Contains envp, a pointer to the array of environment pointers in the stack. The array is immediately followed by a NULL pointer. If no environment exists, r5 points to a NULL pointer .


Contains a pointer to the auxiliary vector. The auxiliary vector shall have at least one member, a terminating entry with an a_type of AT_NULL (see below).


Contains a termination function pointer. If r7 contains a nonzero value, the value represents a function pointer that the application should register with atexit(BA_OS). If r7 contains zero, no action is required.


Contains 0, specifying "round to nearest" mode, IEEE Mode, and the disabling of floating-point exceptions.

3.4.2. Process Stack

Every process has a stack, but the system defines no fixed stack address. Furthermore, a program's stack address can change from one system to another, and even from one process invocation to another. Thus the process initialization code must use the stack address in general purpose register r1. Data in the stack segment at addresses below the stack pointer contain undefined values.

Whereas the argument and environment vectors transmit information from one application program to another, the auxiliary vector conveys information from the operating system to the program. This vector is an array of structures, defined as follows:

typedef struct
  int     a_type;
      long  a_val;
      void  *a_ptr;
      void  (*a_fcn)();
    } a_un;
} auxv_t;
Name                Value       a_un field

AT_NULL             0           ignored
AT_IGNORE           1           ignored
AT_EXECFD           2           a_val
AT_PHDR             3           a_ptr
AT_PHENT            4           a_val
AT_PHNUM            5           a_val
AT_PAGESZ           6           a_val
AT_BASE             7           a_ptr
AT_FLAGS            8           a_val
AT_ENTRY            9           a_ptr
AT_HWCAP            16          a_val
AT_DCACHEBSIZE      19          a_val
AT_ICACHEBSIZE      20          a_val
AT_UCACHEBSIZE      21          a_val


The auxiliary vector has no fixed length; instead an entry of this type denotes the end of the vector. The corresponding value of a_un is undefined.


This type indicates the entry has no meaning. The corresponding value of a_un is undefined.


As Chapter 5 in the System V ABI describes, exec may pass control to an interpreter program. When this happens, the system places either an entry of type AT_EXECFD or one of type AT_PHDR in the auxiliary vector. The entry for type AT_EXECFD uses the a_val member to contain a file descriptor open to read the application program's object file.


Under some conditions, the system creates the memory image of the application program before passing control to an interpreter program. When this happens, the a_ptr member of the AT_PHDR entry tells the interpreter where to find the program header table in the memory image. If the AT_PHDR entry is present, entries of types AT_PHENT, AT_PHNUM, and AT_ENTRY must also be present. See the section Program Header in Chapter 5 of the System V ABI and Chapter 5 of this processor supplement for more information about the program header table.


The a_val member of this entry holds the size, in bytes, of one entry in the program header table to which the AT_PHDR entry points.


The a_val member of this entry holds the number of entries in the program header table to which the AT_PHDR entry points.


If present, this entry's a_val member gives the system page size in bytes. The same information is also available through the sysconf system call.


The a_ptr member of this entry holds the base address at which the interpreter program was loaded into memory. See the section Program Header in Chapter 5 of the System V ABI for more information about the base address.


If present, the a_val member of this entry holds 1-bit flags. Bits with undefined semantics are set to zero.


The a_ptr member of this entry holds the entry point of the application program to which the interpreter program should transfer control.


The a_val member of this entry gives the data cache block size for processors on the system on which this program is running. If the processors have unified caches, AT_DCACHEBSIZE is the same as AT_UCACHEBSIZE.


The a_val member of this entry gives the instruction cache block size for processors on the system on which this program is running. If the processors have unified caches, AT_DCACHEBSIZE is the same as AT_UCACHEBSIZE.


The a_val member of this entry is zero if the processors on the system on which this program is running do not have a unified instruction and data cache. Otherwise, it gives the cache block size.


The a_val member of this entry is bit map of hardware capabilities. Some bit mask values include:

PPC_FEATURE_32               0x80000000 /* Always set for powerpc64 */
PPC_FEATURE_64               0x40000000 /* Always set for powerpc64 */
PPC_FEATURE_HAS_FPU          0x08000000
PPC_FEATURE_HAS_MMU          0x04000000

Other auxiliary vector types are reserved. No flags are currently defined for AT_FLAGS on the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture.

When a process receives control, its stack holds the arguments, environment, and auxiliary vector from exec. Argument strings, environment strings, and the auxiliary information appear in no specific order within the information block; the system makes no guarantees about their relative arrangement. The system may also leave an unspecified amount of memory between the null auxiliary vector entry and the beginning of the information block. The back chain word of the first stack frame contains a null pointer (0).

3.5. Coding Examples

This section describes example code sequences for fundamental operations such as calling functions, accessing static objects, and transferring control from one part of a program to another. Previous sections discussed how a program may use the machine or the operating system, and they specified what a program may and may not assume about the execution environment. Unlike previous material, the information in this section illustrates how operations may be done, not how they must be done.

As before, examples use the ANSI C language. Other programming languages may use the same conventions displayed below, but failure to do so does not prevent a program from conforming to the ABI.

64-bit PowerPC code is normally position independent. That is, the code is not tied to a specific load address, and may be executed properly at various positions in virtual memory. Although it is possible to write position dependent code on the 64-bit PowerPC, these code examples only show position independent code.


The examples below show code fragments with various simplifications. They are intended to explain addressing modes, not to show optimal code sequences or to reproduce compiler output.

3.5.1. Code Model Overview

When the system creates a process image, the executable file portion of the process has fixed addresses and the system chooses shared object library virtual addresses to avoid conflicts with other segments in the process. To maximize text sharing, shared objects conventionally use position-independent code, in which instructions contain no absolute addresses. Shared object text segments can be loaded at various virtual addresses without having to change the segment images. Thus multiple processes can share a single shared object text segment, even if the segment resides at a different virtual address in each process.

Position-independent code relies on two techniques:

  • Control transfer instructions hold addresses relative to the effective address (EA) or use registers that hold the transfer address. An EA-relative branch computes its destination address in terms of the current EA, not relative to any absolute address.

  • When the program requires an absolute address, it computes the desired value. Instead of embedding absolute addresses in instructions (in the text segment), the compiler generates code to calculate an absolute address (in a register or in the stack or data segment) during execution.

Because the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture provides EA-relative branch instructions and also branch instructions using registers that hold the transfer address, compilers can satisfy the first condition easily.

A "Global Offset Table," or GOT, provides information for address calculation. Position independent object files (executable and shared object files) have a table in their data segment that holds addresses. When the system creates the memory image for an object file, the table entries are relocated to reflect the absolute virtual address as assigned for an individual process. Because data segments are private for each process, the table entries can change--unlike text segments, which multiple processes share.

3.5.2. The TOC section

ELF processor-specific supplements normally define a GOT ("Global Offset Table") section used to hold addresses for position independent code. Some ELF processor-specific supplements, including the 32-bit PowerPC Processor Supplement, define a small data section. The same register is sometimes used to address both the GOT and the small data section.

The 64-bit PowerOpen ABI defines a TOC ("Table of Contents") section. The TOC combines the functions of the GOT and the small data section.

This ABI uses the term TOC. The TOC section defined here is intended to be similar to that defined by the 64-bit PowerOpen ABI. The TOC section contains a conventional ELF GOT, and may optionally contain a small data area. The GOT and the small data area may be intermingled in the TOC section.

The TOC section is accessed via the dedicated TOC pointer register, r2. Accesses are normally made using the register indirect with immediate index mode supported by the 64-bit PowerPC processor, which limits a single TOC section to 65,536 bytes, enough for 8,192 GOT entries.

The value of the TOC pointer register is called the TOC base. The TOC base is typically the first address in the TOC plus 0x8000, thus permitting a full 64 Kbyte TOC.

A relocatable object file must have a single TOC section and a single TOC base. However, when the link editor combines relocatable object files to form a single executable or shared object, it may create multiple TOC sections. The link editor is responsible for deciding how to associate TOC sections with object files. Normally the link editor will only create multiple TOC sections if it has more than 65,536 bytes to store in a TOC.

All link editors which support this ABI must support a single TOC section, but support for multiple TOC sections is optional.

Each shared object will have a separate TOC or TOCs.


This ABI does not actually restrict the size of a TOC section. It is permissible to use a larger TOC section, if code uses a different addressing mode to access it. The AIX link editor, in particular, does not support multiple TOC sections, but instead inserts call out code at link time to support larger TOC sections.

3.5.3. TOC Assembly Language Syntax

Desire for compatibility with both ELF systems and PowerOpen systems suggests two different assembly language syntaxes to be used when referring to the TOC section. This syntax is not part of the official ABI. The description here is only for information purposes. Particular assemblers may support both syntaxes, only one, or neither.

The ELF syntax uses @got and @toc. The syntax SYMBOL@got refers to the offset in the TOC at which the value of SYMBOL (that is, the address of the variable whose name is SYMBOL) is stored, assuming the offset is no larger than 16 bits. For example,

ld   r3,x@got(r2)

SYMBOL@got will be an offset within the global offset table, which as noted above, forms part of the TOC section.

Ordinarily the link editor will avoid having a TOC, and hence a GOT, larger than 64 Kbytes, perhaps by support multiple TOC sections, or via some other technique. However, for flexibility, there is a syntax for 32 bit offsets to the GOT. The syntaxes SYMBOL@got@ha, SYMBOL@got@h, and SYMBOL@got@l refer to the high adjusted, high, and low parts of the GOT offset. (The meaning of ``high adjusted'' is explained in Section 4.5.1).

The syntax SYMBOL@toc refers to the value (SYMBOL - base (TOC)), where base (TOC) represents the TOC base for the current object file. This provides the address of the variable whose name is SYMBOL, as an offset from the TOC base. This assumes that the variable may be found within the TOC, and that its offset is no larger than 16 bits.

As with the GOT, the syntaxes SYMBOL@toc@ha, SYMBOL@toc@h, and SYMBOL@toc@l refer to the high adjusted, high, and low parts of the TOC offset.

The syntax SYMBOL@got@plt may be used to refer to the offset in the TOC of a procedure linkage table entry stored in the global offset table. The corresponding syntaxes SYMBOL@got@plt@ha, SYMBOL@got@plt@h, and SYMBOL@got@plt@l are also defined.


If X is a variable stored in the TOC, then X@got will be the offset within the TOC of a doubleword whose value is X@toc.

The special symbol .TOC.@tocbase is used to represent the TOC base for the current object file. The following might appear in a function descriptor definition:

      .quad .TOC.@tocbase

The PowerOpen syntax is more complex. It is derived from the different representation of the TOC section in XCOFF.

Assembly code first uses the .toc pseudo-op to enter the TOC section. It then uses a label to name a particular element. It then uses the .tc pseudo-op to indicate which GOT entry it wishes to name. Later in the code, the label is used with the TOC register to load the address. For example:

      .tc  x[TC],x
      ld   r3,.L1(r2)

This creates a GOT entry for the variable x, and names that entry .L1 for the remainder of the assembly. The effect is the same as the single ELF-style instruction above.

The special value TOC[tc0] is used to represent the TOC base for the current object file:

      .quad TOC[tc0]

The PowerOpen syntax permits other data to be stored in the .toc section. The assembler will output this data in a .toc section, and convert references as though its address were specified with @toc rather than @got.

There is a significant difference in representation of the TOC in this ABI and in the 64-bit PowerOpen ABI. Relocatable object files created using the 64-bit PowerOpen ABI have a .toc section which contains real data. The link editor uses garbage collection to discard duplicate information including in particular TOC entries which refer to the same variable. In this ABI, relocatable object files do not contain .got sections holding real data. Instead, the GOT is created by the link editor based on relocations created by @got references. This ABI does not require the link editor to support garbage collection. This ABI does permit real data to exist in .toc sections, but this data will never be referred to directly by instructions which use @got references. @got references always refer to the GOT which is created by the link editor when creating an executable or a shared object.

3.5.4. Function Prologue and Epilogue

This section describes functions' prologue and epilogue code. A function's prologue establishes a stack frame, if necessary, and may save any nonvolatile registers it uses. A function's epilogue generally restores registers that were saved in the prologue code, restores the previous stack frame, and returns to the caller. Except for the rules below, this ABI does not mandate predetermined code sequences for function prologues and epilogues. However, the following rules, which permit reliable call chain backtracing, shall be followed:

  • If the function uses any nonvolatile general registers, it shall save them in the general register save area. If the function does not require a stack frame, this may be done using negative stack offsets from the caller's stack pointer.

  • If the function uses any nonvolatile floating point registers, it shall save them in the floating point register save area. If the function does not require a stack frame, this may be done using negative stack offsets from the caller's stack pointer.

  • Before a function calls any other function, it shall establish its own stack frame, whose size shall be a multiple of 16 bytes, and shall save the link register at the time of entry in the LR save area of its caller's stack frame.

  • If the function uses any nonvolatile fields in the CR, it shall save the CR in the CR save area of the caller's stack frame.

  • If a function establishes a stack frame, it shall update the back chain word of the stack frame atomically with the stack pointer (r1) using one of the "Store Double Word with Update" instructions.

    • For small (no larger than 32 Kbytes) stack frames, this may be accomplished with a "Store Double Word with Update" instruction with an appropriate negative displacement.

    • For larger stack frames, the prologue shall load a volatile register with the two's complement of the size of the frame (computed with addis and addi or ori instructions) and issue a "Store Double Word with Update Indexed" instruction.

  • When a function deallocates its stack frame, it must do so atomically, either by loading the stack pointer (r1) with the value in the back chain field or by incrementing the stack pointer by the same amount by which it has been decremented.

In-line code may be used to save or restore nonvolatile general or floating-point registers that the function uses. However, if there are many registers to be saved or restored, it may be more efficient to call one of the system subroutines described below.

3.5.5. Register Saving and Restoring Functions

The register saving and restoring functions described in this section use nonstandard calling conventions which ordinarily require them to be statically linked into any executable or shared object modules in which they are used. Nevertheless, unlike 32-bit PowerPC ELF, these functions are considered part of the official ABI. In particular, the link editor is permitted to treat calls to these functions specially, such as by changing a call to one of these function into a call to an absolute address as in the PowerOpen ABI.

As shown in The Stack Frame section above, the general register save area is not at a fixed offset from either the caller's SP or the callee's SP. The floating point register save area starts at a fixed position from the caller's SP on entry to the callee, but the position of the general register save area depends upon the number of floating point registers to be saved. Thus it is impossible to write a general register saving routine which uses fixed offsets from the SP.

If the routine needs to save both general and floating point registers, code can use r12 as the pointer for saving and restoring the general purpose registers. (r12 is a volatile register but does not contain input parameters). This leads to the definition of multiple register save and restore routines, each of which saves or restores M floating point registers and N general registers.

3.5.6. Saving General Registers Only

For a function that saves/restores N general registers and no floating point registers, the saving can be done using individual store/load instructions or by calling system provided routines as shown below.

In the following, the number of registers being saved is N, and <32-N> is the first register number to be saved/restored. All registers from <32-N> up to 31, inclusive, are saved/restored.

FRAME_SIZE is the size of the stack frame, here assumed to be less than 32 Kbytes.

    mflr  r0                    # Move LR into r0
    bl    _savegpr0_<32-N>      # Call routine to save general registers
    stdu  r1,(-FRAME_SIZE)(r1)  # Create stack frame
    (save CR if necessary)
    ...                         # Body of function
    (reload CR if necessary)
    (reload caller's SP into r1)
    b     _restgpr0_<32-N>      # Restore registers and return

3.5.7. Saving General Registers and Floating Point Registers

For a function that saves/restores N general registers and M floating point registers, the saving can be done using individual store/load instructions or by calling system provided routines as shown below.

    mflr  r0                    # Move LR into r0
    subi  r12,r1,8*M            # Set r12 to general reg save area
    bl    _savegpr1_<32-N>      # Call routine to save general registers
    bl    _savefpr_<32-M>       # Call routine to save floating point regs
    stdu  r1,(-FRAME_SIZE)(r1)  # Create stack frame
    (save CR if necessary)
    ...                         # Body of function
    (reload CR if necessary)
    (reload caller's SP into r1)
    subi  r12,r1,8*M            # Set r12 to general reg save area
    bl    _restgpr1_<32-N>      # Restore general registers
    b     _restfpr_<32-M>       # Restore floating point regs and return

3.5.8. Saving Floating Point Registers Only

For a function that saves/restores M floating point registers and no general registers, the saving can be done using individual store/load instructions or by calling system provided routines as shown below.

    mflr  r0                    # Move LR into r0
    bl    _savefpr_<32-M>       # Call routine to save general registers
    stdu  r1,(-FRAME_SIZE)(r1)  # Create stack frame
    (save CR if necessary)
    ...                         # Body of function
    (reload CR if necessary)
    (reload caller's SP into r1)
    b     _restgpr_<32-M>       # Restore registers and return

3.5.9. Save and Restore Services

Systems must provide three sets of routines, which may be implemented as multiple entry point routines or as individual routines. They must adhere to the following rules.

Each _savegpr0_N routine saves the general registers from rN to r31, inclusive. Each routine also saves the LR. When the routine is called, r1 must point to the start of the general register save area, and r0 must contain the value of LR on function entry.

The _restgpr0_N routines restore the general registers from rN to r31, and then return to the caller. When the routine is called, r1 must point to the start of the general register save area.

Here is a sample implementation of _savegpr0_N and _restgpr0_N.

  _savegpr0_14:  std  r14,-144(r1)
  _savegpr0_15:  std  r15,-136(r1)
  _savegpr0_16:  std  r16,-128(r1)
  _savegpr0_17:  std  r17,-120(r1)
  _savegpr0_18:  std  r18,-112(r1)
  _savegpr0_19:  std  r19,-104(r1)
  _savegpr0_20:  std  r20,-96(r1)
  _savegpr0_21:  std  r21,-88(r1)
  _savegpr0_22:  std  r22,-80(r1)
  _savegpr0_23:  std  r23,-72(r1)
  _savegpr0_24:  std  r24,-64(r1)
  _savegpr0_25:  std  r25,-56(r1)
  _savegpr0_26:  std  r26,-48(r1)
  _savegpr0_27:  std  r27,-40(r1)
  _savegpr0_28:  std  r28,-32(r1)
  _savegpr0_29:  std  r29,-24(r1)
  _savegpr0_30:  std  r30,-16(r1)
  _savegpr0_31:  std  r31,-8(r1)
                 std  r0, 16(r1)

  _restgpr0_14:  ld   r14,-144(r1)
  _restgpr0_15:  ld   r15,-136(r1)
  _restgpr0_16:  ld   r16,-128(r1)
  _restgpr0_17:  ld   r17,-120(r1)
  _restgpr0_18:  ld   r18,-112(r1)
  _restgpr0_19:  ld   r19,-104(r1)
  _restgpr0_20:  ld   r20,-96(r1)
  _restgpr0_21:  ld   r21,-88(r1)
  _restgpr0_22:  ld   r22,-80(r1)
  _restgpr0_23:  ld   r23,-72(r1)
  _restgpr0_24:  ld   r24,-64(r1)
  _restgpr0_25:  ld   r25,-56(r1)
  _restgpr0_26:  ld   r26,-48(r1)
  _restgpr0_27:  ld   r27,-40(r1)
  _restgpr0_28:  ld   r28,-32(r1)
  _restgpr0_29:  ld   r0, 16(r1)
                 ld   r29,-24(r1)
                 mtlr r0
                 ld   r30,-16(r1)
                 ld   r31,-8(r1)
  _restgpr0_30:  ld   r30,-16(r1)
  _restgpr0_31:  ld   r0, 16(r1)
                 ld   r31,-8(r1)
                 mtlr r0

Each _savegpr1_N routine saves the general registers from rN to r31, inclusive. When the routine is called, r12 must point to the start of the general register save area.

The _restgpr1_N routines restore the general registers from rN to r31. When the routine is called, r12 must point to the start of the general register save area.

Here is a sample implementation of _savegpr1_N and _restgpr1_N.

  _savegpr1_14:  std  r14,-144(r12)
  _savegpr1_15:  std  r15,-136(r12)
  _savegpr1_16:  std  r16,-128(r12)
  _savegpr1_17:  std  r17,-120(r12)
  _savegpr1_18:  std  r18,-112(r12)
  _savegpr1_19:  std  r19,-104(r12)
  _savegpr1_20:  std  r20,-96(r12)
  _savegpr1_21:  std  r21,-88(r12)
  _savegpr1_22:  std  r22,-80(r12)
  _savegpr1_23:  std  r23,-72(r12)
  _savegpr1_24:  std  r24,-64(r12)
  _savegpr1_25:  std  r25,-56(r12)
  _savegpr1_26:  std  r26,-48(r12)
  _savegpr1_27:  std  r27,-40(r12)
  _savegpr1_28:  std  r28,-32(r12)
  _savegpr1_29:  std  r29,-24(r12)
  _savegpr1_30:  std  r30,-16(r12)
  _savegpr1_31:  std  r31,-8(r12)

  _restgpr1_14:  ld   r14,-144(r12)
  _restgpr1_15:  ld   r15,-136(r12)
  _restgpr1_16:  ld   r16,-128(r12)
  _restgpr1_17:  ld   r17,-120(r12)
  _restgpr1_18:  ld   r18,-112(r12)
  _restgpr1_19:  ld   r19,-104(r12)
  _restgpr1_20:  ld   r20,-96(r12)
  _restgpr1_21:  ld   r21,-88(r12)
  _restgpr1_22:  ld   r22,-80(r12)
  _restgpr1_23:  ld   r23,-72(r12)
  _restgpr1_24:  ld   r24,-64(r12)
  _restgpr1_25:  ld   r25,-56(r12)
  _restgpr1_26:  ld   r26,-48(r12)
  _restgpr1_27:  ld   r27,-40(r12)
  _restgpr1_28:  ld   r28,-32(r12)
  _restgpr1_29:  ld   r29,-24(r12)
  _restgpr1_30:  ld   r30,-16(r12)
  _restgpr1_31:  ld   r31,-8(r12)

Each _savefpr_M routine saves the floating point registers from fM to f31, inclusive. When the routine is called, r1 must point to the start of the floating point register save area, and r0 must contain the value of LR on function entry.

The _restfpr_M routines restore the floating point registers from fM to f31. When the routine is called, r1 must point to the start of the floating point register save area.

Here is a sample implementation of _savepr_M and _restfpr_M.

  _savefpr_14:  stfd f14,-144(r1)
  _savefpr_15:  stfd f15,-136(r1)
  _savefpr_16:  stfd f16,-128(r1)
  _savefpr_17:  stfd f17,-120(r1)
  _savefpr_18:  stfd f18,-112(r1)
  _savefpr_19:  stfd f19,-104(r1)
  _savefpr_20:  stfd f20,-96(r1)
  _savefpr_21:  stfd f21,-88(r1)
  _savefpr_22:  stfd f22,-80(r1)
  _savefpr_23:  stfd f23,-72(r1)
  _savefpr_24:  stfd f24,-64(r1)
  _savefpr_25:  stfd f25,-56(r1)
  _savefpr_26:  stfd f26,-48(r1)
  _savefpr_27:  stfd f27,-40(r1)
  _savefpr_28:  stfd f28,-32(r1)
  _savefpr_29:  stfd f29,-24(r1)
  _savefpr_30:  stfd f30,-16(r1)
  _savefpr_31:  stfd f31,-8(r1)
                std  r0, 16(r1)

  _restfpr_14:  lfd  f14,-144(r1)
  _restfpr_15:  lfd  f15,-136(r1)
  _restfpr_16:  lfd  f16,-128(r1)
  _restfpr_17:  lfd  f17,-120(r1)
  _restfpr_18:  lfd  f18,-112(r1)
  _restfpr_19:  lfd  f19,-104(r1)
  _restfpr_20:  lfd  f20,-96(r1)
  _restfpr_21:  lfd  f21,-88(r1)
  _restfpr_22:  lfd  f22,-80(r1)
  _restfpr_23:  lfd  f23,-72(r1)
  _restfpr_24:  lfd  f24,-64(r1)
  _restfpr_25:  lfd  f25,-56(r1)
  _restfpr_26:  lfd  f26,-48(r1)
  _restfpr_27:  lfd  f27,-40(r1)
  _restfpr_28:  lfd  f28,-32(r1)
  _restfpr_29:  lfd  f29,-24(r1)
  _restfpr_29:  ld   r0, 16(r1)
                lfd  f29,-24(r1)
                mtlr r0
                lfd  f30,-16(r1)
                lfd  f31,-8(r1)
  _restfpr_30:  lfd  f30,-16(r1)
  _restfpr_31:  ld   r0, 16(r1)
                lfd  f31,-8(r1)
                mtlr r0

Each _savevr_M routine saves the vector registers from vM to v31, inclusive. When the routine is called, r0 must point to the word just beyound the end of the vector register save area. On return the value of r0 is unchanged while r12 may be modified.

The _restvr_M routines restore the vector registers from vM to v31. When the routine is called, r0 must point to the word just beyound the end of the vector register save area. On return the value of r0 is unchanged while r12 may be modified.

Here is a sample implementation of _savevr_M and _restvr_M.

  _savevr_20:   addi r12,r0,-192
                stvx v20,r12,r0
  _savevr_21:   addi r12,r0,-176
                stvx v21,r12,r0
  _savevr_22:   addi r12,r0,-160
                stvx v22,r12,r0
  _savevr_23:   addi r12,r0,-144
                stvx v23,r12,r0
  _savevr_24:   addi r12,r0,-128
                stvx v24,r12,r0
  _savevr_25:   addi r12,r0,-112
                stvx v25,r12,r0
  _savevr_26:   addi r12,r0,-96
                stvx v26,r12,r0
  _savevr_27:   addi r12,r0,-80
                stvx v27,r12,r0
  _savevr_28:   addi r12,r0,-64
                stvx v28,r12,r0
  _savevr_29:   addi r12,r0,-48
                stvx v29,r12,r0
  _savevr_30:   addi r12,r0,-32
                stvx v30,r12,r0
  _savevr_31:   addi r12,r0,-16
                stvx v31,r12,r0

  _restvr_20:   addi r12,r0,-192
                lvx  v20,r12,r0
  _restvr_21:   addi r12,r0,-176
                lvx  v21,r12,r0
  _restvr_22:   addi r12,r0,-160
                lvx  v22,r12,r0
  _restvr_23:   addi r12,r0,-144
                lvx  v23,r12,r0
  _restvr_24:   addi r12,r0,-128
                lvx  v24,r12,r0
  _restvr_25:   addi r12,r0,-112
                lvx  v25,r12,r0
  _restvr_26:   addi r12,r0,-96
                lvx  v26,r12,r0
  _restvr_27:   addi r12,r0,-80
                lvx  v27,r12,r0
  _restvr_28:   addi r12,r0,-64
                lvx  v28,r12,r0
  _restvr_29:   addi r12,r0,-48
                lvx  v29,r12,r0
  _restvr_30:   addi r12,r0,-32
                lvx  v30,r12,r0
  _restvr_31:   addi r12,r0,-16
                lvx  v31,r12,r0

3.5.10. Data Objects

This section describes only objects with static storage duration. It excludes stack-resident objects because programs always compute their virtual addresses relative to the stack or frame pointers.

In the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture, only load and store instructions access memory. Because 64-bit PowerPC instructions cannot hold 64-bit addresses directly, a program normally computes an address into a register and accesses memory through the register.

It is possible to build addresses using absolute code which puts symbol addresses into instructions. However, the difficulty of building a 64-bit address means that 64-bit PowerPC code normally loads an address out of a memory location in the TOC section. Combining the TOC offset of the symbol with the TOC address in register r2 gives the absolute address of the TOC entry holding the desired address.

The following figures show sample assembly language equivalents to C language code. The @got syntax is explained above, in the section TOC Assembly Language Syntax.

Load and Store; variables are not in TOC:

C                             Assembly

extern int src;
extern int dst;
extern int *ptr;

dst = src;
                              ld  r6,src@got(r2)
                              ld  r7,dst@got(r2)
                              lwz r0,0(r6)
                              stw r0,0(r7)

ptr = &dst;
                              ld  r0,dst@got(r2)
                              ld  r7,ptr@got(r2)
                              std r0,0(r7)

*ptr = src;
                              ld  r6,src@got(r2)
                              ld  r7,ptr@got(r2)
                              lwz r0,0(r6)
                              ld  r7,0(r7)
                              stw r0,0(r7)

The next example shows the same code assuming that the variables are all stored in the TOC. Shared objects normally can not assume that globally visible variables are stored in the TOC. If they did, it would be impossible for the variable references to be redirected to overriding variables in the main program. Therefore, shared objects should normally always use the type of code shown above.

Load and Store; variables in TOC:

C                             Assembly

extern int src;
extern int dst;
extern int *ptr;

dst = src;
                              lwz r0,src@toc(r2)
                              stw r0,dst@toc(r2)

ptr = &dst;
                              la  r0,dst@toc(r2)
                              std r0,ptr@toc(r2)

*ptr = src;
                              lwz r0,src@toc(r2)
                              ld  r7,ptr@toc(r2)
                              stw r0,0(r7)

3.5.11. Function Calls

Programs use the 64-bit PowerPC bl instruction to make direct function calls. The bl instruction must be followed by a nop instruction. For PowerOpen compatibility, the nop instruction must be:

    ori  r0,r0,0

For PowerOpen compatibility, the link editor must also accept these instructions as valid nop instructions:

    cror 15,15,15
    cror 31,31,31

In a relocatable object file, a direct function call should be made to the function entry point, which is a symbol beginning with dot (.). See Section 3.2.5 for more information.

When the link editor is creating an executable or shared object, and it sees a function call followed by a nop instruction, it determines whether the caller and the callee share the same TOC. If they do, it leaves the nop instruction unchanged. If they do not, the link editor constructs a linkage function. The linkage function loads the TOC register with the callee TOC and branches to the callee entry point. The link editor modifies the bl instruction to branch to the linkage function, and modifies the nop instruction to be

    ld   r2,40(r1)

This will reload the TOC register from the TOC save area after the callee returns.

A bl instruction has a self-relative branch displacement that can reach 32 Mbytes in either direction. Hence, the use of a bl instruction to effect a call within an executable or shared object file limits the size of the executable or shared object file text segment.

If the callee is in a different shared object, a similar procedure of linkage code and a modified nop instruction is used. In this case, the dynamic linker must complete the link by filling in the function descriptor at run time. See Section 5.2.4 for more details.

Here is an example of the assembly code generated for a function call:

C                             Assembly

extern void func (void);
func ();
                              bl   .func
                              ori  r0,r0,0

Here is an example of how the link editor transforms this code if the
callee has a different TOC than the caller:

C                             Assembly

extern void func (void);
func ();
                              bl   <linkage_for_func>
                              ld   r2,40(r1)

Here is an example of the linkage code created by the link editor. Remember that func@got@plt contains the address of the procedure linkage entry for func, which is a function descriptor. The function descriptor holds the addresses of the function entry point and the function TOC base.

    ld    r12,func@got@plt(r2)
    std   r2,40(r1)
    ld    r0,0(r12)
    ld    r2,8(r12)
    mtctr r0

The value of a function pointer is the address of the function descriptor, not the address of the function entry point itself.

C                             Assembly
extern void func (void);
extern void (*ptr) (void);
ptr = func;
                              ld    r6,func@got(r2)
                              ld    r7,ptr@got(r2)
                              std   r6,0(r7)

(*ptr) ();
                              ld    r6,ptr@got(r2)
                              ld    r6,0(r6)
                              ld    r0,0(r6)
                              std   r2,40(r1)
                              mtctr r0
                              ld    r2,8(r6)
                              ld    r2,40(r1)

Since most of the code sequence used for a call through a pointer is the same no matter what function pointer is being used, it is also possible to do it by calling a function with an unusual calling convention provided by a library. With this approach, efficiency requires that the function be linked in directly, and not come from a shared library. The PowerOpen ABI uses a function named ._ptrgl for this purpose, passing the function pointer value in r11, and it is recommended that this name and calling convention be used as well when using this approach under ELF.

3.5.12. Branching

Programs use branch instructions to control their execution flow. As defined by the architecture, branch instructions hold a self-relative value with a 64-Mbyte range, allowing a jump to locations up to 32 Mbytes away in either direction.

C                             Assembly
    goto label
                                  b .L01

C switch statements provide multiway selection. When the case labels of a switch statement satisfy grouping constraints, the compiler implements the selection with an address table. The following example uses several simplifying conventions to hide irrelevant details:

  • The selection expression resides in r12, and is of type int.

  • The case label constants begin at zero.

  • The case labels, the default, and the address table use assembly names .Lcasei, .Ldef, and .Ltab, respectively.

C                             Assembly
switch (j)
  case 0:
  case 1:
  case 3:
                                  cmplwi  r12,4
                                  bge     .Ldef
                                  bl      .L1
                                  slwi    r12,2
                                  mflr    r11
                                  addi    r12,r12,.Ltab-.L1
                                  add     r0,r12,r11
                                  mtctr   r0
                                  b       .Lcase0
                                  b       .Lcase1
                                  b       .Ldef
                                  b       .Lcase3

3.5.13. Dynamic Stack Space Allocation

Unlike some other languages, C does not need dynamic stack allocation within a stack frame. Frames are allocated dynamically on the program stack, depending on program execution, but individual stack frames can have static sizes. Nonetheless, the architecture supports dynamic allocation for those languages that require it. The mechanism for allocating dynamic space is embedded completely within a function and does not affect the standard calling sequence. Thus languages that need dynamic stack frame sizes can call C functions, and vice versa.

Here is the stack frame before dynamic stack allocation:

High address

          +-> Back chain
          |   Floating point register save area
          |   General register save area
          |   VRSAVE save word (32-bits)
          |   Alignment padding (4 or 12 bytes)
          |   Vector register save area (quadword aligned)
          |   Local variable space
          |   Parameter save area    (SP + 48)
          |   TOC save area          (SP + 40)  --+
          |   link editor doubleword (SP + 32)    |
          |   compiler doubleword    (SP + 24)    |--stack frame header
          |   LR save area           (SP + 16)    |
          |   CR save area           (SP + 8)     |
SP  --->  +-- Back chain             (SP + 0)   --+

Low address

Here is the stack frame after dynamic stack allocation:

High address

          +-> Back chain
          |   Floating point register save area
          |   General register save area
          |   VRSAVE save word (32-bits)
          |   Alignment padding (4 or 12 bytes)
          |   Vector register save area (quadword aligned)
          |   Local variable space
          |   -- Old parameter save area, now allocated space
          |   -- Old stack frame header, now allocated space
          |   -- More newly allocated space
          |   New parameter save area    (SP + 48)
          |   New TOC save area          (SP + 40)
          |   New link editor doubleword (SP + 32)
          |   New compiler doubleword    (SP + 24)
          |   New LR save area           (SP + 16)
          |   New CR save area           (SP + 8)
SP  --->  +-- New Back chain             (SP + 0)

Low address

The local variables area is used for storage of function data, such as local variables, whose sizes are known to the compiler. This area is allocated at function entry and does not change in size or position during the function's activation.

The parameter save area is reserved for arguments passed in calls to other functions. See Section 3.2.3 for more information. Its size is also known to the compiler and can be allocated along with the fixed frame area at function entry. However, the standard calling sequence requires that the parameter save area begin at a fixed offset (48) from the stack pointer, so this area must move when dynamic stack allocation occurs.

The stack frame header must also be at a fixed offset (0) from the stack pointer, so this area must also move when dynamic stack allocation occurs.

Data in the parameter save area are naturally addressed at constant offsets from the stack pointer. However, in the presence of dynamic stack allocation, the offsets from the stack pointer to the data in the local variables area are not constant. To provide addressability, a frame pointer is established to locate the local variables area consistently throughout the function's activation.

Dynamic stack allocation is accomplished by "opening" the stack just above the parameter save area. The following steps show the process in detail:

  1. Sometime after a new stack frame is acquired and before the first dynamic space allocation, a new register, the frame pointer, is set to the value of the stack pointer. The frame pointer is used for references to the function's local, non-static variables.

  2. The amount of dynamic space to be allocated is rounded up to a multiple of 16 bytes, so that quadword stack alignment is maintained.

  3. The stack pointer is decreased by the rounded byte count, and the address of the previous stack frame (the back chain) is stored at the word addressed by the new stack pointer. This shall be accomplished atomically by using stdu rS,-length(r1) if the length is less than 32768 bytes, or by using stdux rS,r1,rspace, where rS is the contents of the back chain word and rspace contains the (negative) rounded number of bytes to be allocated.


It is only strictly necessary to copy the back chain. The information in the parameter save area is recreated for each function call. The information in the stack frame header, other than the back chain, is only used by a called function. In some cases, a compiler may need to copy the TOC save area as well, depending upon precisely how it generates linkage code.

The above process can be repeated as many times as desired within a single function activation. When it is time to return, the stack pointer is set to the value of the back chain, thereby removing all dynamically allocated stack space along with the rest of the stack frame. Naturally, a program must not reference the dynamically allocated stack area after it has been freed.

Even in the presence of signals, the above dynamic allocation scheme is "safe." If a signal interrupts allocation, one of three things can happen:

  • The signal handler can return. The process then resumes the dynamic allocation from the point of interruption.

  • The signal handler can execute a non-local goto or a jump. This resets the process to a new context in a previous stack frame, automatically discarding the dynamic allocation.

  • The process can terminate.

Regardless of when the signal arrives during dynamic allocation, the result is a consistent (though possibly dead) process.

3.6. DWARF Definition

3.6.1. DWARF Release Number

This section defines the Debug With Arbitrary Record Format (DWARF) debugging format for the 64-bit PowerPC processor family. The 64-bit PowerPC ABI does not define a debug format. However, all systems that do implement DWARF shall use the following definitions.

DWARF is a specification developed for symbolic, source-level debugging. The debugging information format does not favor the design of any compiler or debugger. For more information on DWARF, see the documents cited in Chapter 1.

The DWARF definition requires some machine-specific definitions. The register number mapping needs to be specified for the 64-bit PowerPC registers. In addition, the DWARF Version 2 specification requires processor-specific address class codes to be defined.

3.6.2. DWARF Register Number Mapping

This table outlines the register number mapping for the 64-bit PowerPC processor family. Note that for all special purpose registers, the number is simply 100 plus the SPR register number, as defined in the 64-bit PowerPC Architecture. Registers with an asterisk before their name are MPC601 chip-specific and are not part of the generic 64-bit PowerPC chip architecture.

Register Name              Number        Abbreviation

General Register 0-31      0-31          r0-r31

Floating Register 0-31     32-63         f0-f31

Condition Register         64            CR

Floating-Point Status and  65            FPSCR
Control Register

* MQ Register              100           MQ or SPR0

Fixed-Point Exception      101           XER or SPR1

* Real Time Clock          104           RTCU or SPR4
Upper Register

* Real Time Clock          105           RTCL or SPR5
Lower Register

Link Register              108           LR or SPR8

Count Register             109           CTR or SPR9

For kernel debuggers, the mapping for all privileged registers is also defined in this table.

Register Name              Number        Abbreviation

Machine State Register     66            MSR

Segment Register 0-15      70-85         SR0-SR15

Data Storage Interrupt     118           DSISR or SPR18
Status Register

Data Address Register      119           DAR or SPR19

Decrementer                122           DEC or SPR22

Storage Description        125           SDR1 or SPR25
Register 1

Machine Status             126           SRR0 or SPR26
Save/Restore Register 0

Machine Status             127           SRR1 or  SPR27
Save/Restore Register 1

Vector Save/Restore        356           VRSAVE or SPR256

Software-use Special       372           SPRG0 or SPR272
Purpose Register 0

Software-use Special       373           SPRG1 or SPR273
Purpose Register 1

Software-use Special       374           SPRG2 or SPR274
Purpose Register 2

Software-use Special       375           SPRG3 or SPR275
Purpose Register 3

Address Space Register     380           ASR or SPR280

External Access Register   382           EAR or SPR282

Time Base                  384           TB or SPR284

Time Base Upper            385           TBU or SPR285

Processor Version Register 387           PVR or SPR287

Instruction BAT Register   628           IBAT0U or SPR528
0 Upper

Instruction BAT Register   629           IBAT0L or SPR529
0 Lower

Instruction BAT Register   630           IBAT1U or SPR530
1 Upper

Instruction BAT Register   631           IBAT1L or SPR531
1 Lower

Instruction BAT Register   632           IBAT2U or SPR532
2 Upper

Instruction BAT Register   633           IBAT2L or SPR533
2 Lower

Instruction BAT Register   634           IBAT3U or SPR534
3 Upper

Instruction BAT Register   635           IBAT3L or SPR535
3 Lower

Data BAT Register 0 Upper  636           DBAT0U or SPR536

Data BAT Register 0 Lower  637           DBAT0L or SPR537

Data BAT Register 1 Upper  638           DBAT1U or SPR538

Data BAT Register 1 Lower  639           DBAT1L or SPR539

Data BAT Register 2 Upper  640           DBAT2U or SPR540

Data BAT Register 2 Lower  641           DBAT2L or SPR541

Data BAT Register 3 Upper  642           DBAT3U or SPR542

Data BAT Register 3 Lower  643           DBAT3L or SPR543

* Hardware Implementation  1108          HID0 or SPR1008
Register 0

* Hardware Implementation  1109          HID1 or SPR1009
Register 1

* Hardware Implementation  1110          HID2 or IABR or SPR1010
Register 2

* Hardware Implementation  1113          HID5 or DABR or SPR1013
Register 5

* Hardware Implementation  1123          HID15 or PIR or SPR1023
Register 15

Vector Registers 0-31      1124-1155     vr0-vr31

The 64-bit PowerPC processor family defines the address class codes described in the following table:

Code                       Value         Meaning

ADDR_none                  0             No class specified

Chapter 4. Object Files

4.1. ELF Header

For file identification in e_ident, the 64-bit PowerPC processor family requires the values shown below:

e_ident[EI_CLASS]   ELFCLASS64   For all 64-bit implementations.
e_ident[EI_DATA]    ELFDATA2MSB  For all big-endian implementations.
e_ident[EI_DATA]    ELFDATA2LSB  For all little-endian implementations.

The ELF header's e_flags member holds bit flags associated with the file. Since the 64-bit PowerPC processor family defines no flags, this member contains zero.

Processor identification resides in the ELF header's e_machine member, and must have the value 21, defined as the name EM_PPC64.

The e_entry field in the ELF header holds the address of a function descriptor. See Function Descriptors in chapter 3. This function descriptor supplies both the address of the function entry point and the initial value of the TOC pointer register.

4.2. Special Sections

Various sections hold program and control information. The sections listed in the following table are used by the system and have the types and attributes shown.

Name          Type               Attributes

.got          SHT_PROGBITS       SHF_ALLOC + SHF_WRITE
.toc          SHT_PROGBITS       SHF_ALLOC + SHF_WRITE
.tocbss       SHT_NOBITS         SHF_ALLOC + SHF_WRITE
.plt          SHT_NOBITS         SHF_ALLOC + SHF_WRITE


The .plt section on the 64-bit PowerPC is of type SHT_NOBITS, not SHT_PROGBITS as on most other processors.

Special sections are described below.

Name     Description

.glink   This section may be used to hold the global linkage table which
         aids the procedure linkage table. See Procedure Linkage Table
         in Chapter 5 for more information.

.got     This section may be used to hold the Global Offset Table, or
         GOT.  See The Toc Section and Coding Examples in Chapter 3
         and Global Offset Table in Chapter 5 for more information.

.toc     This section may be used to hold the initialized Table of
         Contents, or TOC.  See TOC, below, The Toc Section and Coding
         examples in Chapter 3 and Global Offset Table in Chapter 5
         for more information.

.tocbss  This section may be used to hold the uninitialized portions
         of the TOC.  This data may also be stored as zero-initialized
         data in a .toc section.

.plt     This section holds the procedure linkage table. See Procedure
         Linkage Table in Chapter 5 for more information.


Tools which support this ABI are not required to use these sections precisely as defined here, and indeed are not required to use them at all. The true use of a section is defined by the relocation information and by the code which refers to it. However, if tools use these sections, they are required to give them the types and attributes specified in the above table.

4.3. TOC

The Table of Contents, or TOC, is part of the data segment of an executable program.

This sections describes a typical layout of the TOC in an executable file or shared object. Particular tools need not follow this layout as specified here.

The TOC typically contains data items within the .got, .toc and .tocbss sections, which can be addressed with 16-bit signed offsets from the TOC base. The TOC base is typically the first address in the TOC plus 0x8000, thus permitting a full 64 Kbyte TOC. The .got section is typically created by the link editor based on @got relocations. The .toc and .tocbss sections are typically included from relocatable object files referenced during the link.

The TOC may straddle the boundary between initialized and uninitialized data in the data segment. The usual order of sections in the data segment, some of which may be empty, is:


The link editor may create multiple TOC sections, as specified in Section 3.5.2. In such a case, the .got and .toc sections will be repeated as necessary, possibly renamed to preserve unique section names. Any occurrence of .tocbss in a TOC section other than the last one will be converted into a .toc section initialized to contain zero bytes.

Compilers may generate "short-form," one-instruction references for all data items that are in the TOC section for the object file being compiled. Such references are relative to the TOC pointer register, r2, which always holds the base of the TOC section for the object file.

In a shared object, only data items with local (non-global) scope may be addressed via the TOC pointer. Global data items must be addressed via the GOT, even if they appear in a .toc or .tocbss section.

A compiler which places some data items in the TOC must provide an option to avoid doing so in a particular compilation.

4.4. Symbol Table

4.4.1. Symbol Values

If an executable file contains a reference to a function defined in one of its associated shared objects, the symbol table section for the file will contain an entry for that symbol. The st_shndx member of that symbol table entry contains SHN_UNDEF. This informs the dynamic linker that the symbol definition for that function is not contained in the executable file itself. If that symbol has been allocated a procedure linkage table entry in the executable file, and the st_value member for that symbol table entry is nonzero, the value is the virtual address of the function descriptor provided by that procedure linkage table entry. Otherwise, the st_value member contains zero. This procedure linkage table entry address is used by the dynamic linker in resolving references to the address of the function. See Section 5.2.3 for details.

4.5. Relocation

4.5.1. Relocation Types

Relocation entries describe how to alter the instruction and data relocation fields shown below. Bit numbers appear in the lower box corners; little-endian byte numbers appear in the upper right box corners; big-endian numbers appear in the upper left box corners.

|0     7|1     6|2     5|3     4|4     3|5     2|6     1|7     0|
|                          doubleword64                         |
|0                                                            63|

|0     3|1     2|2     1|3     0|
|             word32            |
|0                            31|

|0     3|1     2|2     1|3 |   0|
|             word30       |    |
|0                       29|3031|

|0   | 3|1     2|2     1|3 |   0|
|    |        low24        |    |
|0  5|6                  29|3031|

|0     3|1|  | 2|2     1|3 |   0|
|         |  |  |  low14   |    |
|0        |10|15|16      29|3031|

|0     1|1     0|
|    half16     |
|0            15|

|0     1|1     | 0|
|    half16ds  |  |
|0           13|15|

doubleword64   This specifies a 64-bit field occupying 8 bytes, the
               alignment of which is 8 bytes unless otherwise

word32         This specifies a 32-bit field occupying 4 bytes, the
               alignment of which is 4 bytes unless otherwise

word30         This specifies a 30-bit field contained within bits
               0-29 of a word with 4-byte alignment. The two least
               significant bits of the word are unchanged.

low24          This specifies a 24-bit field contained within a word
               with 4-byte alignment.  The six most significant and
               the two least significant bits of the word are ignored
               and unchanged (for example, "Branch" instruction).

low14          This specifies a 14-bit field contained within a word
               with 4-byte alignment, comprising a conditional branch
               instruction.  The 14-bit relative displacement in bits
               16-29, and possibly the "branch prediction bit" (bit
               10), are altered; all other bits remain unchanged.

half16         This specifies a 16-bit field occupying 2 bytes with
               2-byte alignment (for example, the immediate field of
               an "Add Immediate" instruction).

half16ds       Similar to half16, but really just 14 bits since the
               two least significant bits must be zero, and are not really
               part of the field.  (Used by for example the ldu instruction.)

Calculations in the relocation table assume the actions are transforming a relocatable file into either an executable or a shared object file. Conceptually, the link editor merges one or more relocatable files to form the output. It first determines how to combine and locate the input files, next it updates the symbol values, and then it performs relocations.

Some relocations use high adjusted values. These are the most significant bits, adjusted so that adding the low 16 bits will perform the correct calculation of the address accounting for signed arithmetic. This is to support using the low 16 bits as a signed offset when loading the value. For example, a value could be loaded from an absolute 64 bit address SYM as follows:

    lis   r3,SYM@highesta
    ori   r3,SYM@highera
    sldi  r3,r3,32
    oris  r3,r3,SYM@ha
    ld    r4,SYM@l(r3)

The adjusted forms mean that this will work correctly even if SYM@l is negative when interpreted as a signed 16 bit number. Compare this to building the same 64 bit address using ori, in which case the adjusted forms are not used:

    lis   r3,SYM@highest
    ori   r3,SYM@higher
    sldi  r3,r3,32
    oris  r3,r3,SYM@h
    ori   r3,r3,SYM@l
    ld    r4,0(r3)

These code samples are not meant to encourage people to write code which builds absolute 64 bit addresses in this manner. It is normally better to use position independent code. However, this ABI does make this usage possible when it is required.

Relocations applied to executable or shared object files are similar and accomplish the same result. The following notations are used in the relocation table:

A    Represents the addend used to compute the value of the
     relocatable field.

B    Represents the base address at which a shared object has been
     loaded into memory during execution.  Generally, a shared object
     file is built with a 0 base virtual address, but the execution
     address will be different.  See Program Header in the System V
     ABI for more information about the base address.

G    Represents the offset into the global offset table, relative to
     the TOC base, at which the address of the relocation entry's symbol
     plus addend will reside during execution.  See Section 3.5 
     and Section 5.2.2 for more information.

L    Represents the section offset or address of the procedure linkage
     table entry for the symbol plus addend.  A procedure linkage table
     entry redirects a function call to the proper destination.  The
     link editor builds the initial procedure linkage table, and the
     dynamic linker modifies the entries during execution.  See
     Section 5.2.4 for more information.

M    Similar to G, except that the address which is stored may be the
     address of the procedure linkage table entry for the symbol.

P    Represents the place (section offset or address) of the storage
     unit being relocated (computed using r_offset).

R    Represents the offset of the symbol within the section in which
     the symbol is defined (its section-relative address).

S    Represents the value of the symbol whose index resides in the
     relocation entry.

The following notations are used for relocations used with thread-local symbols.

     Computes the load module index of the load module that contains
     the definition of sym.  The addend, if present, is ignored.

     Computes a dtv-relative displacement, the difference between the
     value of S + A and the base address of the thread-local storage
     block that contains the definition of the symbol, minus 0x8000.

     Computes a tp-relative displacement, the difference between the
     value of S + A and the value of the thread pointer (r13).

     Allocates two contiguous entries in the GOT to hold a tls_index
     structure, with values @dtpmod and @dtprel, and computes the
     offset to the first entry relative to the TOC base (r2).

     Allocates two contiguous entries in the GOT to hold a tls_index
     structure, with values @dtpmod and zero, and computes the offset
     to the first entry relative to the TOC base (r2).

     Allocates an entry in the GOT with value @dtprel, and computes
     the offset to the entry relative to the TOC base (r2).

     Allocates an entry in the GOT with value @tprel, and computes the
     offset to the entry relative to the TOC base (r2).

Relocation entries apply to halfwords, words, or doublewords. In all cases, the r_offset value designates the offset or virtual address of the first byte of the affected storage unit. The relocation type specifies which bits to change and how to calculate their values. The 64-bit PowerPC family uses only the Elf32_Rela relocation entries with explicit addends. For the relocation entries, the r_addend member serves as the relocation addend. In all cases, the offset, addend, and the computed result use the byte order specified in the ELF header.

The following general rules apply to the interpretation of the relocation types in the relocation table:

  • "+" and "-" denote 64-bit modulus addition and subtraction, respectively. ">>" denotes arithmetic right-shifting (shifting with sign copying) of the value of the left operand by the number of bits given by the right operand.

  • For relocation types in which the names contain "32", the upper 32 bits of the value computed must be the same. For relocation types in which the names contain "14" or "16," the upper 49 bits of the value computed before shifting must all be the same. For relocation types whose names contain "24," the upper 39 bits of the value computed before shifting must all be the same. For relocation types whose names contain "14" or "24," the low 2 bits of the value computed before shifting must all be zero.

  • #lo(value) denotes the least significant 16 bits of the indicated value:

        #lo(x) = (x & 0xffff).
  • #hi(value) denotes bits 16 through 31 of the indicated value:

        #hi(x) = ((x >> 16) & 0xffff).
  • #ha(value) denotes the high adjusted value: bits 16 through 31 of the indicated value, compensating for #lo() being treated as a signed number:

        #ha(x) = (((x >> 16) + ((x & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)) & 0xffff)
  • #higher(value) denotes bits 32 through 47 of the indicated value:

        #higher(x) = ((x >> 32) & 0xffff)
  • #highera(value) denotes bits 32 through 47 of the indicated value, compensating for #lo() being treated as a signed number:

        #highera(x) =
          (((x >> 32) + (((x & 0xffff8000) == 0xffff8000) ? 1 : 0)) & 0xffff)
  • #highest(value) denotes bits 48 through 63 of the indicated value:

        #highest(x) = ((x >> 48) & 0xffff)
  • #highesta(value) denotes bits 48 through 63 of the indicated value, compensating for #lo being treated as a signed number:

        #highesta(value) =
          (((x >> 48) + (((x & 0xffffffff8000) == 0xffffffff8000) ? 1 : 0)) & 0xffff)
  • Reference in a calculation to the value G implicitly creates a GOT entry for the indicated symbol.

  • .TOC. refers to the TOC base of the TOC section for the object being relocated. See Section 4.3 for additional information. The dynamic linker does not have this information, and hence relocation types that refer to .TOC. may only appear in relocatable object files, not in executables or shared objects.

Figure 4-1. Relocation Table

Name                      Value    Field         Calculation

R_PPC64_NONE              0        none          none
R_PPC64_ADDR32            1        word32*       S + A
R_PPC64_ADDR24            2        low24*        (S + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_ADDR16            3        half16*       S + A
R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO         4        half16        #lo(S + A)
R_PPC64_ADDR16_HI         5        half16        #hi(S + A)
R_PPC64_ADDR16_HA         6        half16        #ha(S + A)
R_PPC64_ADDR14            7        low14*        (S + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRTAKEN    8        low14*        (S + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN   9        low14*        (S + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_REL24             10       low24*        (S + A - P) >> 2
R_PPC64_REL14             11       low14*        (S + A - P) >> 2
R_PPC64_REL14_BRTAKEN     12       low14*        (S + A - P) >> 2
R_PPC64_REL14_BRNTAKEN    13       low14*        (S + A - P) >> 2
R_PPC64_GOT16             14     	 half16*       G
R_PPC64_GOT16_LO          15     	 half16        #lo(G)
R_PPC64_GOT16_HI          16     	 half16        #hi(G)
R_PPC64_GOT16_HA          17     	 half16        #ha(G)
R_PPC64_COPY              19       none          none
R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT          20       doubleword64  S + A
R_PPC64_JMP_SLOT          21       none          see below
R_PPC64_RELATIVE          22       doubleword64  B + A
R_PPC64_UADDR32           24       word32*       S + A
R_PPC64_UADDR16           25       half16*       S + A
R_PPC64_REL32             26       word32*       S + A - P
R_PPC64_PLT32             27     	 word32*       L
R_PPC64_PLTREL32          28     	 word32*       L - P
R_PPC64_PLT16_LO          29     	 half16        #lo(L)
R_PPC64_PLT16_HI          30     	 half16        #hi(L)
R_PPC64_PLT16_HA          31     	 half16        #ha(L)
R_PPC64_SECTOFF           33       half16*       R + A
R_PPC64_SECTOFF_LO        34       half16        #lo(R + A)
R_PPC64_SECTOFF_HI        35       half16        #hi(R + A)
R_PPC64_SECTOFF_HA        36       half16        #ha(R + A)
R_PPC64_ADDR30            37       word30        (S + A - P) >> 2
R_PPC64_ADDR64            38       doubleword64  S + A
R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHER     39       half16        #higher(S + A)
R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHERA    40       half16        #highera(S + A)
R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHEST    41       half16        #highest(S + A)
R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHESTA   42       half16        #highesta(S + A)
R_PPC64_UADDR64           43       doubleword64  S + A
R_PPC64_REL64             44       doubleword64  S + A - P
R_PPC64_PLT64             45     	 doubleword64  L
R_PPC64_PLTREL64          46     	 doubleword64  L - P
R_PPC64_TOC16             47       half16*       S + A - .TOC.
R_PPC64_TOC16_LO          48       half16        #lo(S + A - .TOC.)
R_PPC64_TOC16_HI          49       half16        #hi(S + A - .TOC.)
R_PPC64_TOC16_HA          50       half16        #ha(S + A - .TOC.)
R_PPC64_TOC               51       doubleword64  .TOC.
R_PPC64_PLTGOT16          52     	 half16*       M
R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_LO       53     	 half16        #lo(M)
R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_HI       54     	 half16        #hi(M)
R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_HA       55     	 half16        #ha(M)
R_PPC64_ADDR16_DS         56       half16ds*     (S + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO_DS      57       half16ds      #lo(S + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_GOT16_DS          58     	 half16ds*     G >> 2
R_PPC64_GOT16_LO_DS       59     	 half16ds      #lo(G) >> 2
R_PPC64_PLT16_LO_DS       60     	 half16ds      #lo(L) >> 2
R_PPC64_SECTOFF_DS        61       half16ds*     (R + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_SECTOFF_LO_DS     62       half16ds      #lo(R + A) >> 2
R_PPC64_TOC16_DS          63       half16ds*     (S + A - .TOC.) >> 2
R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS       64       half16ds      #lo(S + A - .TOC.) >> 2
R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_DS       65     	 half16ds*     M >> 2
R_PPC64_PLTGOT16_LO_DS    66     	 half16ds      #lo(M) >> 2
R_PPC64_TLS               67     	 none          none
R_PPC64_DTPMOD64          68     	 doubleword64  @dtpmod
R_PPC64_TPREL16           69     	 half16*       @tprel
R_PPC64_TPREL16_LO        60     	 half16        #lo(@tprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL16_HI        71     	 half16        #hi(@tprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL16_HA        72     	 half16        #ha(@tprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL64           73     	 doubleword64  @tprel
R_PPC64_DTPREL16          74     	 half16*       @dtprel
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO       75     	 half16        #lo(@dtprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HI       76     	 half16        #hi(@dtprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HA       77     	 half16        #ha(@dtprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL64          78     	 doubleword64  @dtprel
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16       79     	 half16*       @got@tlsgd
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_LO    80     	 half16        #lo(@got@tlsgd)
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HI    81     	 half16        #hi(@got@tlsgd)
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HA    82     	 half16        #ha(@got@tlsgd)
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16       83     	 half16*       @got@tlsld
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_LO    84     	 half16        #lo(@got@tlsld)
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_HI    85     	 half16        #hi(@got@tlsld)
R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_HA    86     	 half16        #ha(@got@tlsld)
R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_DS    87     	 half16ds*     @got@tprel
R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_LO_DS 88     	 half16ds      #lo(@got@tprel)
R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HI    89     	 half16        #hi(@got@tprel)
R_PPC64_GOT_TPREL16_HA    90     	 half16        #ha(@got@tprel)
R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_DS   91     	 half16ds*     @got@dtprel
R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_LO_DS92     	 half16ds      #lo(@got@dtprel)
R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HI   93     	 half16        #hi(@got@dtprel)
R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HA   94     	 half16        #ha(@got@dtprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL16_DS        95     	 half16ds*     @tprel
R_PPC64_TPREL16_LO_DS     96     	 half16ds      #lo(@tprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHER    97     	 half16        #higher(@tprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHERA   98     	 half16        #highera(@tprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHEST   99     	 half16        #highest(@tprel)
R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHESTA  100      half16        #highesta(@tprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_DS       101      half16ds*     @dtprel
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO_DS    102      half16ds      #lo(@dtprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHER   103      half16        #higher(@dtprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHERA  104      half16        #highera(@dtprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHEST  105      half16        #highest(@dtprel)
R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHESTA 106      half16        #highesta(@dtprel)


Relocation values 18, 23 and 32 are not used. This is to maintain a correspondence to the relocation values used by the 32-bit PowerPC ELF ABI.

The relocation types whose Field column entry contains an asterisk (*) are subject to failure if the value computed does not fit in the allocated bits.

The relocation types in which the names include _BRTAKEN or _BRNTAKEN specify whether the branch prediction bit (bit 10) should indicate that the branch will be taken or not taken, respectively. For an unconditional branch, the branch prediction bit must be 0.

Relocations 56-66 are to be used for instructions with a DS offset field (ld, ldu, lwa, std, stdu). ABI conformant tools should give an error for attempts to relocate an address to a value that is not divisible by 4.

Relocation types with special semantics are described below.


These relocation types resemble the corresponding R_PPC64_ADDR16* types, except that they refer to the address of the symbol's global offset table entry and additionally instruct the link editor to build a global offset table.


These relocation types resemble the corresponding R_PPC64_GOT16* types, except that the address stored in the global offset table entry may be the address of an entry in the procedure linkage table. If the link editor can determine the actual value of the symbol, it may store that in the corresponding GOT entry. Otherwise, it may create an entry in the procedure linkage table, and store that address in the GOT entry; this permits lazy resolution of function symbols at run time. Otherwise, the link editor may generate a R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT relocation as usual.


The link editor creates this relocation type for dynamic linking. Its offset member refers to a location in a writable segment. The symbol table index specifies a symbol that should exist both in the current object file and in a shared object. During execution, the dynamic linker copies data associated with the shared object's symbol to the location specified by the offset.


This relocation type resembles R_PPC64_ADDR64, except that it sets a global offset table entry to the address of the specified symbol. This special relocation type allows one to determine the correspondence between symbols and global offset table entries.


The link editor creates this relocation type for dynamic linking. Its offset member gives the location of a procedure linkage table entry. The dynamic linker modifies the procedure linkage table entry to transfer control to the designated symbol's address (see Section 5.2.4).


The link editor creates this relocation type for dynamic linking. Its offset member gives a location within a shared object that contains a value representing a relative address. The dynamic linker computes the corresponding virtual address by adding the virtual address at which the shared object was loaded to the relative address. Relocation entries for this type must specify 0 for the symbol table index.


These relocation types are the same as the corresponding R_PPC64_ADDR* types, except that the datum to be relocated is allowed to be unaligned.

Chapter 5. Program Loading and Dynamic Linking

5.1. Program Loading

As the system creates or augments a process image, it logically copies a file's segment to a virtual memory segment. When--and if--the system physically reads the file depends on the program's execution behavior, system load, and so on. A process does not require a physical page unless it references the logical page during execution, and processes commonly leave many pages unreferenced. Therefore, delaying physical reads frequently obviates them, improving system performance. To obtain this efficiency in practice, executable and shared object files must have segment images whose offsets and virtual addresses are congruent, modulo the page size.

Virtual addresses and file offsets for the 64-bit PowerPC processor family segments are congruent modulo 64 Kbytes (0x10000) or larger powers of 2. Although 4096 bytes is currently the 64-bit PowerPC page size, this allows files to be suitable for paging even if implementations appear with larger page sizes. The value of the p_align member of each program header in a shared object file must be 0x10000.

It is normally desirable to put segments with different characteristics in separate 256 Mbyte portions of the address space, to give the operating system full paging flexibility in the 64-bit address space.

Here is an example of an executable file assuming an executable program linked with a base address of 0x10000000.

File Offset                             Virtual Address

            ELF header
            Program header table
            Other information
0x100                                   0x10000100
            Text segment
            . . .
            0x2be00 bytes
0x2bf00                                 0x2003bf00
            Data segment
            . . .
            0x4e00 bytes
            Other information

Here are possible corresponding program header segments:

Member      Text            Data

p_type      PT_LOAD         PT_LOAD
p_offset    0x100           0x2bf00
p_vaddr     0x10000100      0x2003bf00
p_paddr     unspecified     unspecified
p_filesz    0x2be00         0x4e00
p_memsz     0x2be00         0x5e24
p_flags     PF_R+PF_X       PF_R+PF_W
p_align     0x10000         0x10000


The example addresses for the text and data segments are chosen for compatibility with AIX, and it is suggested, though not required, that tools supporting this ABI use similar addresses.

Although the file offsets and virtual addresses are congruent modulo 64 Kbytes for both text and data, up to four file pages can hold impure text or data (depending on page size and file system block size).

  • The first text page contains the ELF header, the program header table, and other information.

  • The last text page may hold a copy of the beginning of data.

  • The first data page may have a copy of the end of text.

  • The last data page may contain file information not relevant to the running process.

Logically, the system enforces memory permissions as if each segment were complete and separate; segment addresses are adjusted to ensure that each logical page in the address space has a single set of permissions. In the example above, the file region holding the end of text and the beginning of data is mapped twice; at one virtual address for text and at a different virtual address for data.

The end of the data segment requires special handling for uninitialized data, which the system defines to begin with zero values. Thus if the last data page of a file includes information not in the logical memory page, the extraneous data must be set to zero, rather than to the unknown contents of the executable file. "Impurities" in the other three pages are not logically part of the process image; whether the system expunges them is unspecified. The memory image for the program above is shown here, assuming 4096 (0x1000) byte pages.

Figure 5-1. Virtual Address

Text segment:
            Header padding
            0x100 bytes
            Text segment
            0x2be00 bytes
            Data padding
            0x100 bytes

Data segment:
            Text padding
            0xf00 bytes
            Data segment
            0x4e00 bytes
            Uninitialized data
            0x1024 bytes
            Page padding
            0x2dc zero bytes

One aspect of segment loading differs between executable files and shared objects. Executable file segments may contain absolute code. For the process to execute correctly, the segments must reside at the virtual addresses assigned when building the executable file, with the system using the p_vaddr values unchanged as virtual addresses.

On the other hand, shared object segments typically contain position-independent code. This allows a segment's virtual address to change from one process to another, without invalidating execution behavior.

Though the system chooses virtual addresses for individual processes, most systems will maintain the "relative positions" of the segments. Any use of relative addressing between segments should be indicated by an appropriate dynamic relocation. If the dynamic linker does not maintain the relative position of segments at load time, it must be careful in its handling of R_PPC64_RELATIVE relocations, examining the relative address in order to determine the appropriate base address to use.

The following table shows possible shared object virtual address assignments for several processes, illustrating constant relative positioning. The table also illustrates the base address computations.

Source       Text        Data       Base Address
File         0x000200    0x02a400
Process 1    0x100200    0x12a400    0x100000
Process 2    0x200200    0x22a400    0x200000
Process 3    0x300200    0x32a400    0x300000
Process 4    0x400200    0x42a400    0x400000

5.1.1. Program Interpreter

The standard program interpreter is /usr/lib/ld.so.1.

5.2. Dynamic Linking

5.2.1. Dynamic Section

Dynamic section entries give information to the dynamic linker. Some of this information is processor-specific, including the interpretation of some entries in the dynamic structure.


This entry's d_ptr member gives the address of the first byte in the procedure linkage table.


As explained in the System V ABI, this entry is associated with a table of relocation entries for the procedure linkage table. For the 64-bit PowerPC, this entry is mandatory both for executable and shared object files. Moreover, the relocation table's entries must have a one-to-one correspondence with the procedure linkage table. The table of DT_JMPREL relocation entries is wholly contained within the DT_RELA referenced table. See Section 5.2.4 later in this chapter for more information.

5.2.2. Global Offset Table

Position-independent code cannot, in general, contain absolute virtual addresses. The global offset table, which is part of the TOC section, holds absolute addresses in private data, thus making the addresses available without compromising the position-independence and sharability of a program's text. A program references its TOC using position-independent addressing and extracts absolute values, thus redirecting position-independent references to absolute locations.

When the dynamic linker creates memory segments for a loadable object file, it processes the relocation entries, some of which will be of type R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT, referring to the global offset table within the TOC. The dynamic linker determines the associated symbol values, calculates their absolute addresses, and sets the global offset table entries to the proper values. Although the absolute addresses are unknown when the link editor builds an object file, the dynamic linker knows the addresses of all memory segments and can thus calculate the absolute addresses of the symbols contained therein.

A global offset table entry provides direct access to the absolute address of a symbol without compromising position-independence and sharability. Because the executable file and shared objects have separate global offset tables, a symbol may appear in several tables. The dynamic linker processes all the global offset table relocations before giving control to any code in the process image, thus ensuring the absolute addresses are available during execution.

The global offset table is part of the TOC section. Since different functions in a single executable or shared object may have different TOC sections, the global offset table may also be replicated, in whole or in part. Each instance of the global offset table will have its own set of relocations. The dynamic linker need not know about the replication; it simply processes all the relocations it is given.

The dynamic linker may choose different memory segment addresses for the same shared object in different programs; it may even choose different library addresses for different executions of the same program. Nonetheless, memory segments do not change addresses once the process image is established. As long as a process exists, its memory segments reside at fixed virtual addresses.

The global offset table normally resides in the ELF .got section in an executable or shared object.

5.2.3. Function Addresses

References to the address of a function from an executable file and the shared objects associated with it need to resolve to the same value.

In this ABI, the address of a function is actually the address of a function descriptor. A reference to a function, other than a function call, will normally load the address of the function descriptor from the global offset table. The dynamic linker will ensure that for a given function, the same address is used for all references to the function from any global offset table. Thus, function address comparisons will work as expected.

When making a call to the function, the code may refer to the procedure linkage table entry, in order to permit lazy symbol resolution at run time. In order to support correct function address comparisons, the compiler should be careful to only generate references to the procedure linkage table entry for function calls. For any other use of a function, the compiler should use the real address.

When using the ELF assembler syntax, this means that the compiler should use the @got syntax, rather than the @got@plt syntax, if the function address is going to be used without being called.

5.2.4. Procedure Linkage Table

The procedure linkage table may be used to redirect function calls between the executable and a shared object or between different shared objects. Because all function calls on the 64-bit PowerPC are done via function descriptors, the procedure linkage table is simply a special case of a function descriptor which is filled in by the dynamic linker rather than the link editor.

The procedure linkage table is purely an optimization designed to permit lazy symbol resolution at run time. The link editor may generate R_PPC64_GLOB_DAT relocations for all function descriptors defined in other shared objects, and avoid generating a procedure linkage table at all.

The procedure linkage table is normally found in the .plt section in an executable or shared object. Its contents are not initialized in the executable or shared object file. Instead, the link editor simply reserves space for it, and the dynamic linker initializes it and manages it according to its own, possibly implementation-dependent needs, subject to the following constraint:

  • If the executable or shared object requires N procedure linkage table entries, the link editor shall reserve 3*(N+1) doublewords (24*(N+1) bytes). These doublewords will be used to hold function descriptors. When calling function i, the link editor arranges to use the function descriptor at byte 24 * i. The first procedure linkage table entry is reserved for use by the dynamic linker.

As mentioned before, a relocation table is associated with the procedure linkage table. The DT_JMPREL entry in the dynamic section gives the location of the first relocation entry. The relocation table's entries parallel the procedure linkage table entries in a one-to-one correspondence. That is, relocation table entry 1 applies to procedure linkage table entry 1, and so on. The relocation type for each entry shall be R_PPC64_JMP_SLOT, the relocation offset shall specify the address of the first byte of the associated procedure linkage table entry, and the symbol table index shall reference the appropriate symbol.

The dynamic linker will locate the symbol referenced by the R_PPC64_JMP_SLOT relocation. The value of the symbol will be the address of the function descriptor. The dynamic linker will copy these 24 bytes into the procedure linkage table entry.

The dynamic linker can resolve the procedure linkage table relocations lazily, resolving them only when they are needed. This can speed up program startup time.

The following code shows how the dynamic linker might initialize the procedure linkage table in order to provide lazy resolution:

    ld      r2, 40(r1)
    addis   r12,r2,.PLT0@toc@ha
    addi    r12,r12,.PLT0@toc@l
    ld      r11,0(r12)
    ld      r2, 8(r12)
    mtctr   r11
    ld      r11,16(r12)
    li      r0,0
    b       .GLINK0
.GLINKi:			# i <= 32768
    li      r0,i - 1
    b       .GLINK0
.GLINKN:			# N > 32768
    lis     r0,(N - 1) >> 16
    ori     r0,r0,(N - 1) & 0xffff
    b       .GLINK0


    .quad   ld_so_fixup_func
    .quad   ld_so_toc
    .quad   ld_so_ident
    .quad   .GLINK1
    .quad   0
    .quad   0
    .quad   .GLINKi
    .quad   0
    .quad   0
    .quad   .GLINKN
    .quad   0
    .quad   0

Following the steps below, the dynamic linker and the program cooperate to resolve symbolic references through the procedure linkage table. Again, the steps described below are for explanation only. The precise execution-time behavior of the dynamic linker is not specified.

  1. As shown above, each procedure linkage table entry I, as initialized by the link editor, transfers control to the corresponding glink entry I at .GLINKI. The instructions at .GLINKI loads a relocation index into r0 and branches to the common .GLINK0 code, the first entry in the GLINK table. For example, assume the program calls NAME, which uses the function descriptor at the label .PLTi. The function descriptor causes the program to branch to .GLINKi which loads i - 1 into r0 and branches to .GLINK0.

  2. .GLINK0 loads three values from the PLT Reserve area allocated by the link editor and initialized by the dynamic linker. The first doubleword is the dynamic linker's lazy binding entry point. The second doubleword is the dynamic linker's own TOC anchor value. The third doubleword is an 8-byte identifier unique to the calling module which must be placed into r11 (normally the static chain), so that the dynamic linker can identify the object from which the call originated, and thereby located that object's relocation table. .GLINK0 then calls into the dynamic linker with the PLT index copied into r0 and the identifying information copied into r11.

  3. The dynamic linker finds relocation entry i corresponding to the index in r0. It will have type R_PPC_JMP_SLOT, its offset will specify the address of .PLTi, and its symbol table index will reference NAME.

  4. Knowing this, the dynamic linker finds the symbol's "real" value. It then copies the function descriptor into the code at .PLTi.

  5. Subsequent executions of the procedure linkage table entry will transfer control directly to the function via the function descriptor at .PLTi, without invoking the dynamic linker.

The LD_BIND_NOW environment variable can change dynamic linking behavior. If its value is non-null, the dynamic linker resolves the function call binding at load time, before transferring control to the program. That is, the dynamic linker processes relocation entries of type R_PPC_JMP_SLOT during process initialization. Otherwise, the dynamic linker evaluates procedure linkage table entries lazily, delaying symbol resolution and relocation until the first execution of a table entry.

Lazy binding generally improves overall application performance because unused symbols do not incur the dynamic linking overhead. Nevertheless, two situations make lazy binding undesirable for some applications:

  • The initial reference to a shared object function takes longer than subsequent calls because the dynamic linker intercepts the call to resolve the symbol, and some applications cannot tolerate this unpredictability.

  • If an error occurs and the dynamic linker cannot resolve the symbol, the dynamic linker will terminate the program. Under lazy binding, this might occur at arbitrary times. Once again, some applications cannot tolerate this unpredictability. By turning off lazy binding, the dynamic linker forces the failure to occur during process initialization, before the application receives control.

Chapter 6. Libraries

This document does not specify any library interfaces.

Appendix A. GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.1, March 2000

Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


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We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


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If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.

It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

  1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.

  2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less than five).

  3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.

  4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.

  5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.

  6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.

  7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.

  8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.

  9. Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.

  10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.

  11. In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.

  12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.

  13. Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.

  14. Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.

If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice.

The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections entitled "Endorsements."


You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified Version of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the compilation. Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that surround only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole aggregate.


Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License provided that you also include the original English version of this License. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original English version of this License, the original English version will prevail.


You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/.

Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

A.12. How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.